I dreamt that I was happily walking the streets of London with a bag full of Cath Kidston items. Meters of fabrics, flowery tableware, polka dots tins and flirty skirts were all part of it. As soon as a Cath Kidston catalogue arrives at my door I always look at it with great envy. I tell myself: “If you ever go to London, you will visit that store and buy some nice goodies”. Happy me! We are going to London this summer!!! I might have carefully looked at every single item in the catalogue but I never really bothered to calculate the price with the exchange rate. My little hand, holding my calculator, was slightly shaking when I saw that the “cowboy skirt” (that would look so nice with a little red tank top and some delicate sandals) actually costs 150$ cdn. I must admit that I’m slightly disapointed but it’s not the end of the world. London certainly has a lot of very nice stores where I can spend my money at a more resonnable price. Does it?!?
They're opening a Cath Kidston shop in Bristol on Valentines day- I think it will be way too expensive for me, but it'll be nice to browse in at least. London has some great shops- it is expensive, but i'm sure you'll find some treasures.
Geeze that skirt is adorable. We kinda get killed on the pound/dollar conversion don't we?
Haha, you make me laugh with this Kidston-story. Indeed, her products are excessively expensive and I think we should consider if her stuff is really worth our money! Sometimes on a market in the street you can also find nice (and cheaper) fabrics.
cath kidston is expensive it is true, but her store in Covent garden is a very nice place to browse - I work 5 minutes away so go there often in my lunch break just to relax and breathe in a sense of vintage calm (and snigger at the prices while working out how to make the things myself!)
London shops are expensive generally, especially if you have a poor exchange rate. But you'll find some gems. and there are loads that are great just to look in. Don't miss Liberty's on Regenet street - am not sure I've ever bought anything there but it is a gorgeous shop full of lovely things...
Hey Claudia.
I love that skirt and if you think about it a fancy one at jcrew would set you back just as much.My dear friend buys me and the kids cath Kidston for our birthdays and christmas.The standing joke is that the kids pressies are also for me!! No one here in Madams school has the cool strawberry back pack like she does though!!
It is worth the money,the store is great to walk through.There is a tiny one in Notting hill,that is where I would always go.The stores in London all will work out expensive.When I went back home for the first time,I went to Marks and spencers to stock up on Undies as that is the place for best cotton undies,i tell you.Anyway by the time that I had converted it into dollars I nearly fell over,it worked out more expensive than cosabella or the likes. Another good store for great knock offs is Top shop but even that will convert into $$.
It is the same as working out what time it is back home when you are trying to get over jetlag...i.e it is best not done,just get on with it,enjoy yourself,buy the skirt and the credit card company will convert it on your bill for you!!
I am very jealous by the way,make sure that you try some British chocolate,mmmmm,minstrels and galaxy are yummy,
take care,
Hey, I am going to London this summer too and I have marked yet the Cath Kidston's stores on my map :-) If you hear about another nice little shop, please tell me ! And if I hear about something I'll do the same.
(I find your blog trough chickpeaskstudio and reprodepot)
Thanks !
Nice to hear you are going to London. I´m sure you will enjoy that. I really love it there, but even for us Europeans it is quite expensive. I am used to quite high prices here in Finland, but in London I just felt the money was disappearing from my wallet in exceedingly high tempo. Nonetheless, I enjoyed vastly the time there and of course there is always plenty to look at.
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