I became a nursery control freak. Each and every single object has to get the stamp of approval. From the patterns of baby clothes to how sustainable a specific pacifier is or the country of origin of a product (if it is from Scandinavia it must be good right?).
Since I became a control freak I have the feeling that I turned into a toddler during its "no phase". For example, my mom wants to get stuff for the baby. Approximately 95% of her suggestions are rejected or in need of further analysis. Last night, I told my her how crucial it is to buy toys with only two characteristics (http://www.fastcodesign.com/1650546/why-do-most-designer-toys-suck-so-badly)!
So yes, I'm a pregnant lady who makes the life of generous friends and family members impossible! But a control freak can make the life of other people easier. Like my dad who loves to get very specific Christmas present suggestions. So today, he got us the BabyBjorn (hello Scandinavia) babysitter balance :)
I just literally walked in the door from buying a used one of these off craigslist! I hear they are the best!
Elle est vraiment belle.. Mais est-ce qu'elle vibre? Parce que sincèrement; c'est la fonction la plus utile pour endormir un bébé récalcitrant!
Ca et le dessus de la sécheuse mais bon, chez toi ce n'est pas une option!
we have the babysitter too...it was brilliant (i say was because our baby is now 10 months and insists on being on the go so isn't too keen on sitting still these days!) enjoy gathering all your things for the nursery. it's a great time! (just found you through ali's blog...congratulations on your pregnancy!) x
We loved our Bjorn babysitter! We had the toy rail with ours - it wasn't useful at first, but once the baby learned how to smack at the toys, he had fun with it.
Super bon investissement. Ayant eu un grand bébé, je l'ai utilisé très tôt et ce jusqu'à ses 1an.
julia aka la fan #1 de la scandinavie
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