It is now wise for me to let the control freak go and simply focus on the present. I closed all my maternity books, read one last time my notes from prenatal classes, put my completed baby to-do list in the recycle bin...and voilà!
While trying some pre-maternity clothes (like my navy XS polka dots shirt), I realized how time flies when you are pregnant. I feel like it was yesterday that I wanted to vomit all over the country house that we rented back in September!
Each pregnancy is unique. Mine officially started with post traumatic stress after a hold up. It is not an ideal situation but this is another proof that you can't control everything. You just have to be strong, adapt and move on!
My way of moving on was to create this blog. Some people might not understand the impact it had on my pregnancy, my way of looking at childbirth and my ability to become (in a near future) a mother!
Maybe it was the hormones but your comments, advices and kind words of encouragement brought me to tears on many occasions. So thank you! Thank you for taking the time, thank you for not judging me and thank you for sharing your personal experiences.
You gave me the privilege to learn from wonderful women!
Claudia, I am 22 weeks pregant and have really enjoyed your insights. My husband and I also only wish to have one child, and to be as economical and green about it as possible, but we are very willing to be felxible. I hope you will continue to blog after Baby Alice is born! I have no other pregnant friends or sisters who live close by, and as this is our first child, everything is new and odd. Thank YOU for your inspiration.
Thank-you, Claudia, for sharing your pregnancy journey with us and for all your wonderfully thought-provoking and craft-inspiring posts! It's actually been really nice for me to reminisce about my own pregnancy with each passing week of yours :) (And to drool over all the lovely little baby things you were making + collecting along the way!) I too hope that you continue to blog, especially since my other favourite blogging lady closed up her blog this week after many years(snif!). ♥ ♥
Thanks to you for sharing, cara Claudia.
Alice, come out!! : )
you're a fantastic blogger {and soon-to-be mama!}, Claudia!! I've bookmarked so many of your lists & posts for reference. I've loved reading all your insight and personal experience so much. thank you for putting yourself out there! :)
38 weeks! Loved following along on the journey - the journey that is just about to get more exciting and more lovely!!
To 40 weeks and a beautiful baby!
oh, i like that. putting the to do list away. i will try for the same. ;)
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