Friday 15 July 2011

Alice and Ro-bear

I used to take "not baby" pictures...but baby pictures are sssoooo much fun! Maybe I should take one "not baby" picture a week or something like that?!? Yes, I can do that!

Have a lovely weekend my friends xox

* * * * *

jacinthe: Alice veut aller au Tex Mex!!!

bess callard: My mom told me that I didn't sleep like that at all! It looks pretty comfortable!

giselle: Ah, all babies are cute :)

taryn: Thank you!


one claire day said...

Love these photos Claudia! Yes, babies make the best photographic subject, it's true. It used to be my dogs... I think they miss the limelight! ;)
P.S - Alice's outfit is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

i really like the hangy play thing she's lying under. where is that from/who makes it? is it all wood?


courtney said...

haha... me too, me too. but she sure is cute. :)

Ali said...

Just keep taking them - lots of them! Quite frankly, who'd bother with any other subject?

Astrid said...

Awww! She is totally adorable!
Can't wait to start taking my own baby photos ;-)

tiffany... said...

i love your baby photos!
i feel like you're getting me ready for my future with a baby...
also, alice is so incredibly lovely how could you not photograph her all the time!

Lila said...

Love these photos especially the first one. The little dress is gorgeous, I hope I can find something like it for Eve.

shine little light* said...

Oh man, Alice is so cute I reckon you're fine taking as many baby pictures as you like. I keep on coming back for more! *s*

kate / tinywarbler said...

SO cute claudia!! i love these shots, she will too when she's older, for sure!

Unknown said...

beatiful photos and that shirt is divine!

Kate said...

I love your blog, partially because I'm expecting my own little one in a couple of months. I'm curious about the photo of Alice on the quilt with the wooden mobile-dangly arch over her. (I should know what these toys are called by now!) I've only ever seen plastic ones, and this wooden piece looks like a lovely alternative. Who makes it? Thanks.