and I’m an elephant king! My green gingham outfit is made out of an old shirt and my...um... bones/fat/muscles...you get it...are made of stuffing from an old pillow. Therefore I'm an eco-friendly elephant!

I love crafting but I have a tendency to fall in love with material: fabric, buttons, rubons, you name it!. Material that I might not need at the moment but that I will certainly use in the future. When exactly, a mystery! Recently, I started to feel guilty to buy, lets see, another meter of gray tweed or a pretty pair of wooden leaf buttons or the thickest red wool that I have ever seen. I'm normally a pretty responsible consumer but it seems that it doesn't apply to craft material. For the sake of the minimal storage in my loft (and for the environment!) I should try to figure out what I can create with material that I already have or that I can recycle. Afterall, my husband has a lot of shirts (I see a pretty quilt) and sweaters (I see felted wool accessories) that will eventually have to be replace!
Craft supplies seem to bring out the crazy in lots of us. I have bags of old clothes to use in projects AND I have way-too-many craft supplies tucked in every nook and cranny. It's so hard not to buy more. :)
He is so cute.
I've been picking up some nice fabric at Frenchy's (second hand store), which makes me feel like an eco-friendly consumer. It's cheap and it's stuff that someone else was just going to throw away!
hi george!
oooh,he turned out just fabulous .I love him.
I hear you with the buying even though you don't need it at the moment.I keep doing that on superbuzzy.If you are weak when it comes to fabric,like myself,then stay away from superbuzzy,
Don't say that I didn't warn you:0)
Did i miss something?!? Is sweetnellie selling patterns? i love her dolls and your elephant turned out great!
i am all for building up the fabric stash to spark the creativity.
Si mignon!
I just found your blog, It's great. Thanks for listing me.
I made three of those elephants in the past, and taught a class about them yesterday!
here is the link to an old post:
By the way, Jcrew is also my favorite store, but I am pregnant right now and cannot get anything there. I am very sour about it!
best, JUJU
You, George, are an extremely rockin' eco-friendly elephant! :) And as for the stash . . . egads! The two-car garage viola studio is the main reason I bought the house - and it's full! Sometimes, if I lack inspiration, I'll just sort through materials - something always starts to bubble!
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