Thursday 3 January 2008

UPS standard

It was back to reality this morning! Walking the dog at 7:00 am, getting properly dress for -19 C (-28 C with the wind), taking public transportation with other lucky workers, ordering breakfast at a coffee shop next to the office and finally finding myself alone at work since my co-workers decided to take extra days off.

I certainly would have much rather stayed at home with a warm cup of tea and read my latest girly book: The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella. However, I was highly motivated to go to work. I was looking forward the 3rd of January for the past few days…ever since I ordered two beautiful summer skirts, on sale, from J.Crew that will be delivered, for practical reasons, at the office today. We each have our reasons to get up, leave our cozy nook and work until sundown (or a little after since the sun goes down today at exactly 4:23 pm). Today, my reason was to get a little summer preview on a freezing winter day!


ingrid said...

Those skirts are great! Too bad you can't wear them until the weather warms up a bit.

Anonymous said...

I just love it as well !!!

Bridget said...

These skirts are wonderful!! Perhaps layering with leggings could bring them out of the closet sooner?! Though sometimes the anticipation is sweetest . . . imagining the warm breeze, the sandals . . . I am particularly charmed by the lobsters! And hey, thanks so much for putting a link to me on your blog! :)