This is what I said, half joking half serious, when a coworker asked me what were the characteristics of the camera that I got for Christmas. In my defence, it's my first "grown up" camera...you know with a zoom and more than three functions. After that humiliating episode, I understood the necessity of a canon powershot workshop. Yesterday morning, braving the snow storm, I went to my local camera store to find myself with a group of sweet elderly people who required a 10 minutes explanation on how to set the date on their camera. I was not that bad afterall! Especially now that I have been getting "mini workshops" from the same coworker who made me feel like a complete loser two weeks ago. I still have 341 pictures to take in order to complete my
project 365...plenty of time to apply what I learned. And what did I do during the date setting chaos? I wrote this post on paper.
Good for you learning to use the camera. I recently became passionate about mine, and will even go so far as take picture in manual settings!!!! crazy
It's good to work out how to get the best photos from your camera! Can I give you a word of warning on the Canon -I had a Canon Powershot that I bought last June - 6x zoom being the feature I liked - but on the 31st of December the screen broke - I didn't do anything too it - just took it out of the bag and the screen looked like a bullet had gone through it - and a digital camera with no screen is not a lot of use - I would buy some of the screen protectors that you can get for them - the screens aren't protected under the warranty - and make sure you keep it safe in a case! I was sad to lose mine!
Looking forward to seeing your next 341 photos!
My husband just bought this exact camera. He loves it. :)
Hey there! I just looked at some of your shots on Flickr and was delighted! What an eye for composition! I am really enchanted by the picture of the cup with the reflected tablecloth . . . keep up the good work!
I love the idea of your camera workshop with the sweet little old folks. I need a camera workshop myself!
Hey Claudia! I just did the drawing on my site and you are the winner. Email me your mailing address!
Congrats on your new camera! love the one with the mug and the elephant tray, beautiful composition! What's the idea behind 365? one picture everyday on a special subject?
XXO, Puri
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