There are those people who wake up in the morning and even before they put on deodorant they have a new idea for a spring dress. There are those people who put the kids to bed at night and invent new felt softies. And there are people like me who patiently wait for the patterns…so they can make the spring dress or the felt softies! Hi, my name is Claudia and I’m a copycat! This weekend, between two overdoses of chocolate, I decided to make a shoulder bag from a
tutorial created by
Tiny happy. I took my last piece of matryoshka fabric, carefully followed the instructions and after a few hours I was ready to show my new bag to the world. The problem is that I always feel guilty when I get compliments about a project made with a free pattern from a fellow blogger. So when the receptionist told me how nice my new bag was, I went into what I call my "Oscar acceptance speech" mode: "oh...thank you so much (sigh)...but I could not have done it without a wonderful pattern made by a very talented woman who has a blog…blablabla”. From the look on the receptionist's face, I should definitely just had say thank and moved on with my day! Hi, my name is Claudia and I'm a babbling copycat ;)
Clo -
It may be a lovely pattern...but you created the lovely item. It takes a lot of talent to use someone else's pattern and make it your own. Good for you and it is lovely! I liked your Oscar speech!
Just adorable Clo, I love the shape and of course your belt fabric which is so sweet!!
Hi! I just discovered your blog and it's very clever and fun - you are very talented! I love your new bag - copy cat or not! I might have to copy it and make me one - that would make me a copy, copy cat!
That's such a great bag, and such a great fabric choice. You deserve the praise for making it- i'm terrible at making up stuff without someone to give me some direction. I have a million great projects in my head, but when I try to get them out my head it all goes a bit wrong.
I think I'll copycat you and make one of these too! (ooh! that rhymes!)
It looks fab, by the way, and it doesn't even matter to me that you didn't create the pattern!
That's hysterical! I'm exactly the same though. Your bag looks fab - I made one and used mine till it fell apart. Isn't it the perfect pattern?
Very cute Claudia, it's pretty hard to make anything original I find given there's so much amazing inspiration out there! Your fabric choice definitely makes it your own though, so you can accept that Oscar with no guilt!!!
Don't short-change yourself! You made it! Remember, many people can't sew a stitch or follow a pattern. I love the fabric, btw!
You did a great job on the bag! Everyone starts with patterns and then gradually builds up the confidence to start designing things themselves, so if that's something you'd eventually like to do, you'll get there! You obviously have a great eye and a lot of creativity.
Hi there....I just discovered your wonderul blog!
I will be copying my own version of that very cool bag soon. I just keep telling myself that copying is the first form of flattery. :)
That's so beautiful! you shold makem ore of them and start selling online. Have a nice weekend claudia
Your bag is perfect! Love it.
I just found your blog,love it, I love this bag!
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