With spring comes colorful crocus, sweet maple syrup and flooded dog parks! But mostly, for me, spring rhymes with renewal. I now have a sudden urge to find creative ways to organize my small loft. By nature, I would say that I'm a messy crafter. In a "normal" apartment it wouldn't be a big deal but in an open room it could be a little embarrassing. Especially when I have unannounced company. Oups, there is a sewing machine on the kitchen table, pieces of fabric on the sofa, some craft books on the floor and an embroidery hoop under the cushions. Because admitting the problem is the first step, I then decided to make a knitting needles
roll-up organizer. All my knitting needles, from 3.5 to 13, are now grouped together in pretty elephant fabric. Next step, putting back the needles in the organizer when I don't need them...that is a big challenge!
haha!! Come to my on bedroom apartment and have a look in the drawers - weeks of debris from the coffee table and any other surface all scooped up and stuffed in a drawer when visitors arrive! Need to be tidied out again as I am beginning to lose things and there isn't any more room in the drawers!
I like the needle case - I have one too - but it's a wilder sort of pattern!
A bientot!
I love the fabric.
My house tends to be messy too. Hubby is by no means a neat person, and I tend to collect "piles" of things. I can tidy the place up in about 10 minutes, so if someone calls to say they're coming over, I'm pretty good at making the house seem neat. Sort of.
I love the knitting needles case - but because I'm still a little sick I had to read the "elephant" part over and over...I thought it said, "elegant"...and I kept on saying to myself...what about the elephants! :) DUH! Very cute!
I know the feeling. I'd love to have a spare craft room but an extra room in an apartment would cost us a small fortune!
I'm quite neurotic with having everything (books, kitchen sutff, clothes) stacked by colours and alphabetically (gasp!). BTW the elephant fabric is beautiful, whre'd you get it from?
Oh, try juggling two dogs and two kids into that mess! And then getting sick!!!! Love that elephant fabric!
Those little elephants wander around in my sewing room too...I wish I could say that they had an organizing purpose at my place as well ;0)
The roll-up organizer is so wonderful that I almost will start using the straight kind of needles instead of the round ones.
Just to able to put them in an roll-up organizer!!
Crafting does make a mess. Before I got my sewingroom I had my sewing machine in the kitchen.
But somehow my family still keep reminding me to put away my sewing and knitting stuff. I don't know why?? ;0)
I know exactly what you mean. I lived in a studio apartment for a couple years. Whenever I worked on anything, I felt like the entire apartment was a mess - because it was!
The needle case is so nice. You chose such great fabrics to combine. I have to make one, too. My needles are sticking out of a jar.
I find more and more to love about you Claudia. When I get creative around here it means a huge mess strung from one end of the house to another. Maybe it helps the process....;). I saw too you are thinking of starting a quilt. Looking forward to seeing it, and I think your needle case is fantastic whether you use it or not!
Sometimes I think unannounced guests would faint if they came to visit. I have my own sewing room, but... I tend to spread bits and bobs round the house. And what I find especially difficult to manage are the endless piles of newspapers and magazines. Just when I have brought everything to a paper recycling point, it looks as the house is full again. But the knitting needle organiser sure is a good start Claudia!
Oh, your knitting needle case is awesome! I love it.
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