It took me three months to make my very first skirt...actually my very first piece of clothing. I wrote about that project on April 20th. At that time I was up to the challenge and ready to go! Crazy how things can change once you open a pattern and start reading the instructions. So the pattern and I developed an unhealthy relationship! I would promise to spend time with it during the weekend (to figure out my size, cut the pieces, etc.). Then the poor thing would get stood up and would stay on my craft shelf gathering dust! However, last week, don't ask me what happened but I started and almost finished the skirt in an afternoon. The only problem that I had was the button hole...I just couldn't figure it out with my sewing machine. Plan B: a discrete metal snap. Now, I'm ready for another sewing challenge. Any suggestions of easy patterns but without button hole? I'm just not ready ;)
note: I used McCall's 5430 (skirt C)
I love your skirt!! WOW! I wish I could sew like that! Can't wait to see what you make next! I am sure it won't be long till you're ready for buttonholes!!
I even managed to do some knitting today - guess there is a positive to the car having a nervous breakdown yesterday!!
VERY cute! I think I have a similar pattern and some denim calling my name . . .
oh claudia, it's absolutely beautiful! what pattern do you use?
I used to be afraid of buttonholes too but after figuring out the right way to use my buttonhole foot, it went smoothly. good luck with buttonholes!
the skirt is amazing! congratulations! i know how you feel -- i just started knitting a skirt and the pattern scares me. i'm guessing i'll eventually figure out the tough parts, but i'm not looking forward to using my brain that much.
Wow! You made that? You must be so proud of yourself! It looks absolutely lovely on you. What pattern did you use?
Claudia! That is GORGEOUS! You should be very proud of yourself!
Thank you for sharing with us mere mortals!!!
I love your fabric choices- you have such an eye for putting things together. I am going to run right out tomorrow and buy that pattern! You are so inspiring:)
Congratulations, it's SUPER cute. I'm trying to get my sewing mojo going, but like you, my projects end up as dusty forgotten piles. You make me want to just bit the bullet and finish something.
lovely skirt! it has such texture. and i love the contrast of it with your verdant clover? ground cover?
Very cute Claudia! Love the stripe lining. Compliments the skirt perfectly! :)
I want that skirt! It's fantastic, a real success. If it was mine it would be my best friend all Summer long.
No suggestions. Just wanted to say that skirt is beautiful and worth the procrastination.
I love it Claudia! And now I challenge you to do a buttonhole! Really, they're not that difficult. Do lots of practice ones on an old piece of material first...... (I hate zippers more than button holes.)
Love the Skirt! Love the Material! Love the Tie! Love that you gave us the Pattern and #! You rock! It looks wonderful. I totally understand about the button hole. In the future, send me your button holes and I'll send you my zippers! Ha-ha! Just kidding! The postage would be terrible!
Claudia, this is excellent. Good luck with the button substitute!
That skirt is amazing. Seriously, if you can make that, a buttonhole should be a doddle. Buttons are easy to avoid, though - a lot of times you could put in a tie or sew on a hook and eye type fastener. I'm looking forward to seeing what you produce next.
I love it! No suggestions on patterns as I haven't sewn a garment in over 10 years and I think fashion has changed a bit since then.
Wow! I want one of those! I've been sewing for 2 years but never ventured myself on making clothes... this skirt would make a great starting point!
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