Project n.1 - The patchwork bag
I saw this bag in blogland/Flickr and I immediatly fell in love with the idea. The concept is from a Japanese book that I don't have but with the help of a little tutorial I added another purse to my collection! Strangly enough, it's the only project that I could see myself doing a few time (5-10 bags) without getting bored.
So I will conclude this post with 3 questions:
1. Is it legal to sell/swap products made from a pattern book?
2. What value would you give to this bag?
3. Do you think that somebody would like a bag like this?
1. Is it legal to sell/swap products made from a pattern book?
2. What value would you give to this bag?
3. Do you think that somebody would like a bag like this?
Thank you and if you have any ideas on how to use my fabric scrap, please, let me know!
I'm not sure about the legal issues, but I know I love the bag. You're fabric scraps are far superior to mine though... I have yet to venture into the world of online fabric purchasing, so for now I'm stuck with whatever JoAnns has available.
It would be perfectly legal to swap the bag- but unless the pattern book gave permission for things to be made commercially then I don't think it would be legal to sell it. That's not to say that LOTS of people don't do that- just take a look on Etsy and you'll probably find people selling things made from patterns for personal use.
I'm terrible at values on bags but there's a fair bit of work in it so if you did sell it I would make sure you gave it a reasonably high price (again look on Etsy for similar and then add some for luck!)
And of course people would want to own this bag- it's beautiful!
I too love the bag - the fabrics look so great together! I think that there is no problem in swapping and I am sure lots of people would love to get their hands on something so great!!
Claudia! It's beautiful! You did an amazing job! The little details are perfect.
You could give those as Christmas presents and people would cry tears of joy.
Also, I thought it looked familiar -- I just ordered the book this bag came from!
love the bag. it's gorgeous. does the japanese book specifially say anything about readers selling items they make from the book's patterns? if not, then you're within your rights to sell them. since you're in canada, too, and the book is japanese, i'm sure that japanese copyright has no real teeth in canada. again, i think you can pursue this without any problems. if you're really worried, i'd consult a lawyer.
there are pricing formulas online for how to get it just right, but i'd say you could easily get between $38-$58 (usa) for a bag like this.
i'm sure thousands of folks would love a bag like this!
Swapping OK, selling probably not unless you are able to give credit to the designer. For example, Amy Karol's book states that you can sell things made from her patterns as long as you give her credit. Not sure if that helps. Nice bag anyhow - does this mean you have plans for a shop? Your stitching looks super neat - I think around $40-$50 would be about the right price.
1} i think swapping is fine. selling may not be the most ethical thing. however, you're getting more experience with each item you make, can you modify the pattern to make it more "yours"?
2} i definitely wouldn't go under US$25.
3} hellz yes!
Swapping - big yes
Selling - I have no idea, but I do like Jen's suggestion of altering it make it your own
Price - depends on how bit it is. Purse size - $30, bag size $50 USD
Want - sign me up, it's marvelous!
I agree with pretty much everyone else. Swapping is fine, but selling is an ethical no-no. I am so bad with putting a price on things, so I won't answer what a bag like that would sell for, but I can definitely tell you that people will want one just like this!!! It's so cute!
Clo - Swapping, Yes! Selling? That's iffy!! However, your bag is adorable. I wouldn't sell it for less than $25.00 US either. You can never tell what someone will pay for something? It just depends on the person(s).
What a beautiful bag! Alter the bag just a tad, make it yours and sell it! :O)
I love the shape of this bag and the fabrics you used! I would price it around $40.
Love the bag! Selling an item made from a pattern is a grey area though.
Clo, my little Canadian girl, I am so proud of you, now remind me again why you are taking a sewing class, you don't need it. Your bag is just beautiful and I love the fabric choices, the details and the style, way to go!! I would charge between $40 and $50, I am sure a lot of time and effort went into it, so you want to consider that for sure. It is a dream bag:)
Claudia, it's so cute. I love the blue and brown combination. As for the questions, depending on the pattern and book you may or may not be able to. Some writers express their consent but you must give them credit for the original pattern. I think people would definitely purchase the bag. And I would say I'd be willing to pay between $35 and $45 for it.
Nice work with the bag, you have gorgeous fabric scraps! I think many people would love this bag. I've been working on some fabric labels for xmas prezzies in a kind of luggage tag shape, they're a neat way to use up scraps and you can embroider them too to say love from etc too! Hope you have fun at your sewing class this week.
claudia, yo should start your own etsy shop, your works are truly beautiful.
Hi Claudia, seeing that I can read Japanese all the books I have come across do say that the patterns are for personal use. Modifying the pattern and stating that the inspiration came from a particular book is legal, though. But is really a grey area and the Japanese legal system is full of loopholes. Great to see that you have opened up your own etsy store. Will have to go have a squiz. :D
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