Tuesday 21 October 2008

all you need is LOVE!

I just had to tell you....
Saturday, Dan and I are going to an Halloween party. Because we are such a cool couple (!?!) we decided to dress as Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love. My friend is coming soon to give me a haircut...a trashy haircut!!! I'm so excited!!! Do you think that I look like Porta De Rossi ;)


Señorita Puri said...

LOL!!! hahahaahaha

Marina said...

You look like Portia and Courtney all rolled into one! Don't take this the wrong way, though, but I prefer you as a brunette! (smiley face)

amy turn sharp said...

love it! you are fab! My pal and i once went as syd and nancy and it was so awesome! love the hair!