Wednesday 8 October 2008

auxpetitsoiseaux...the shop!

What have I done???
I feel dinner is spinning in my belly!
I just opened an Etsy shop!!!

I know that yesterday I said that I would not sell my crafts on Internet but I totally blame the acorns! Yes, those colorful little balls of wool convinced me ;) They wanted to jump in a plane, see the world, meet new people and have a glass of wine...oops, that's just me ;)

I have a few details to think about (packaging, price, shipping, etc.) but next week...where is that glass of wine again???...felt acorns will be looking for new adventures!

Wish me luck my friends!!!


tiffany... said...

you're so awesome claudia!

Liz said...

Congratulations Claudia! I wish you much success.

painted fish studio said...

wooooooo! wine is a good friend. congratulations!

jen v said...

oh yeah!!!!!! i was sad when i read you post about your decision yesterday. yay for the wine!

Sandy said...

I know exactly what you mean (when you commented on your last post about bloggers and etsy). And I know all about lack of time, stress, etc. But I am so glad you did it!
I can't wait to see more.

Rachel said...

Good luck with your shop! : )

Di said...

Aha!! You couldn't resist! Good luck with it all! I think that the acorns will sell well!!

Ulla V. said...

WAY TO GO, Claudia! When I read your post the other day, I thought to myself that it was a shame that you wouldn't open a shop. Because I see so much talent in you and your great work and ideas.

So I was happy to see the headline of your post, in my blogroll this morning :0))
Congratulations on your etsy shop - I love that you followed your dream.
I'm sure you will do well :0))

ingrid said...

Ooooh! Congratulations and good luck! I'll be one of your first customers! :)

Ali said...

Hooray hooray - I am so glad you did! Be sure to tell us when the acorns are in!

Mon Petit Lapin said...

Best of luck Clo woo! how exciting can't wait to see what goodies you'll be selling!x

Anna - Three Sneaky Bugs said...

You're crazy! And I wish you tons of luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

best of luck!

Anonymous said...

so, does this mean i am the only non-etsy shop blogger reject left? just kidding. CONGRATS and good luck!

Anonymous said...

good luck, that's very exciting!

Anonymous said...

Clo what happened? I thought this was a no-go. Anyway you busy, busy little bee, way to go. I love the picture of your name in the bright lights of Etsy, it looks AMAZING!!

Shannah said...

Cheers to your new shop!!!
I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Now I am off to etsy heart you:)

Bridget said...

Hurray! I'm glad to hear you're taking the plunge - and it only needs to be as much work as you make it . . . Best warm wishes!

Anonymous said...

Drinking wine with you and raising my glass in a toast to you! You have really great felt balls too btw! *snicker*

anabela / fieldguided said...

Bon courage, Clo!

Anonymous said...

Claudia! That's fantastic. I just bought a vinyl lettering machine and will be starting a blog about it. I keep thinking maybe I should do it on Etsy - but I really have no idea what they do...or what they cost,, it's still up in the air! Congrats! :)

P.S. I LOOOOOOOOOVE THE ACORNS! They are one of my favorite things!