Six freaky medical facts about Clo...with an educational lesson!
1. When I was 4 years old, I wanted to tell my dad, who was cutting the grass with a lawn tractor, that I made Kool-Aid. Without my mom realising, I ran to my dad, fell under the tractor, cut most of my left leg and one of my little toe. I stayed 15 days at the hospital, got a skin transplant and learned to walk again.
Lesson: Don't drink Kool-Aid!
2. When I was 12 years old, I got diagnosed with a scoliosis (spine is curved from side to side). I had to wear an orthopedic corset for 4 years. I got a medical paper to skip gym class until I g0t used to the corset. It turned out that I "never" really wanted to get used to it so I decided to skip gym class for 4 years...ah ah ah!!!
Lesson: There is always a bright side!
3. When I was 19 years old, I shaved my legs in winter while I had dry skin. I scratched my legs so much that I developed a folliculitis (infection of the hair follicle). I had to take antibiotics for a month.
Lesson: Get your legs waxed!
4. When I was 22 years old, I purchased a vintage side table that needed to be stripped. I got eco-friendly paint remover and I used it inside my loft since it didn't smell bad. It turned out that it blocked one of my lungs and that I needed urgent medical assistance.
Lesson: Be suspicious of eco-friendly products.
5. When I was 25 years old, I had thin crust pizza for dinner. The crust was very dry and it cut the back of my mouth. A few days after I couldn't open my mouth or turn my head. The cut didn't heal and the infection spread to my ear/neck canal. I had to take antibiotics for 3 weeks.
Lesson: Don't eat pizza crust!
6. Now that I live in the city, every year I get the flu...not a bad cold...the FLU! You know that virus that makes you scream at your husband for no reason because you just can't take it anymore.
Lesson: Get a job that allows you to take a 2 week sick leave every winter!
So, if anybody feels like a medical freak just play along!
And what do you think of my latest needle felt friend: Sir Quack of Montreal?
Oh you little sweetpea! Such terrible, but slightly funny, ailments! I love the pizza crust one the best, food can be so hurty!
p.s. love your Sir Quack!
I love Sir Quack, but worry about you. I hope Dan keeps his eye on you - and that you have good medical insurance. Oh wait - you're Canadian so you do...
You're so funny! All of those stories are horrible, but you handle it well. Now I'm afraid to shave my legs and eat pizza!
Holy cow, girl! Not only is that a lot of major things to happen, but a lot of really weird major things to happen. Hopefully you've had your fill for life by this point. :) You definatly need all the good luck with health that you can get. :) Sir Quack is super cute!
You are too funny!
So I take it that Sir Quack is your new quack??? Wow I thought I was the one with all the freaky medical accidents... BTW this post was so funny not only did I snort the tea but I nearly wet myself...
I have taken note of your 6 pieces of medical advince!! So nice to know what to look out for :0))
And I thought that I was a very unlucky person...;0)
P.s. I LOVE the duck and I adore your shoes in the last post!!!
What a catalogue of disasters!! You have certainly been unlucky! I will learn from you and stop scratching my legs!!!
Love the duck!!
Oh my goodness Claudia thats terrible! Especially the lung problem eek. Sounds like you need your own personal doctor :) Love Sir Quack!
That's some seriously bad medical luck!
Now please tell me you aren't planning to develop a life threatening duck allergy...
Holy crap! Your medical history might be a little nuttier than mine! I had migraines for 8 months before I found out what they were, I blow up cysts on my ovaries a few times a year, I've broken my big toes countless times and I dislocated my shoulder while having sex. Um, yeah.
Did that pizza have razor blades in it? Wow. And the tractor. You have had bad luck. Hope the flu skips you this winter.
wow wow wow. crazy! you should be wrapped in bubble wrap and rolled around town, to keep you from injuring yourself further.
love sir quack!
Oh dear Claudia... you just have the worst luck. Now I fear I'll never be able to complain about my own medical issues ;)
I'm a little concerned that you might injure yourself whilst blogging...never mind the fact that you are currently needle felting like a maniac, with all the potential for disaster that entails!
I get flu too, luckily I can get the flu jab for free each winter as I am considered at risk, but I still end up with at least one chest infection a year.
Clo, Sir Quack is adorable. You did an amazing job on his little beak.
I love ducks, they are so cute and always seem to have a smile on their sweet little faces.
Sir Quack is adorable! I love him.
Shoot I am way too healthy to join your medical freak club! I like painted fish's idea for you or maybe one of those plastic bubble houses that protect you from germs and things, and all sharp instruments be kept away from you including, but not limited to, felting needles, kitchen knives, lawn mower blades.
I'm with you on the flu. Did you ever consider a career in the medical profession?!
lookie what I saw on the front page of etsy:
Awww! That's awfully sweeet! I can't say that I would have done anything more different! :) The way you say things just makes me smile waiting to see what else you write about! But, I have to admit you're quite the tough cookie dealing with situations the write way, which is a major plus. Hey, I guess that's just how I see it. Myself, having quite the big family can get a bit hectic at times with the discipline aspect of things. But, never the less everything always works out towards the end of things and we all have are smiles on
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