Thursday 1 January 2009

New toy

Did I tell you that my wonderful husband got me a Canon Rebel xsi for Christmas? Probably not since it has been in the box for the past week. You have to understand that I have strong discomfort regarding new things. For example, I didn't want to touch the cat when we got him at the pet store. The same thing would have happened with the dog but somebody had to hold him in the car! I'm also like that with expensive shoes (new camper boots that I got 2 weeks ago), items ordered online (Japanese fabric) or technological stuff such as! However, braving my demons, I opened the box and made a squirrelly fabric camera strap.

Did I tell you that I want to start another 365 with my new camera? Probably not since I don't know how to use it! But that's just a detail...


Ali said...

Can't think of a better way to make frinds with your new toy. Just stick it on automatic and pretend it's a point and shoot, while you stop feeling intimidated by it. All the rest can follow.

Di said...

I am sure that you will be clicking away very soon - it's so nice to have something new to experiment with!! The strap is great too!

Liz said...

Have fun with it.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to do a 365. What exactly do you do???

Anonymous said...

I bet you'll have it figured out in no time! What a great gift, I'm a bit envious! ;) Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Oh you lucky girl, I know you will put it to great use. That's OK, let your new girl ease herself into the world and before you know it, you will be joined at the hip!!

onegoldensun said...

Great blog! You know, I have that same kind of aversion to new things. I hated getting a new computer, resisted my cell phone, detest new cars (would much rather drive the old one), the list goes on! My sweet hubby got photoshop for me as a Christmas gift, and now I must work up the nerve to try it! Good luck and best wishes!

Rachel said...

Cute squirrel fabric!

painted fish studio said...

congratulations! i can't wait to see the photos you take with your new toy...

Anonymous said...

Awesome Claudia, and it cracks me up that you made a camera strap for it first before even using it! Can't wait to see your new toy in action.

Anna - Three Sneaky Bugs said...

I got a Nikon D60 for Christmas. My husband brought it home about 3 weeks before Christmas so I could figure out how to use it and take pictures Christmas morning. I left it in the box until 2 days before. It scared me. Still does a little.