So it's decided! Dan and I are going to move out of our little one-room loft this spring. For the past 7 years we were pretty much always in the same room (one must go to the bathroom from time to time!). It was always very comforting to see Dan from any corner of the "nest"! But it's time to grow up and start to seriously think about adding a new member to our family...and I'm not talking about another pet ;) So the hunt for a new "nest" with rooms has started. And moving out is synonym of post-its in the IKEA catalogue, compulsive home decor magazines purchases and endless lists on Etsy.

And tell me if it's normal but I really feel like a mama bird trying to get the perfect nest for her birdy. And I'm not even pregnant! I also started to picture myself with the cutest pregnant outfits and day dreaming about how Dan will be an amazing dad. I also know that I will get a reusable diaper kit, banish over the top "babyish" clothes, take baby-mother yoga classes and have a vintage samsonite luggage bag as a diaper bag (I just bought the bag on etsy but for the moment it's just a big purse)! I guess that's what they refer to as having your maternal clock ticking...and it's freaking me out!!!
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How exciting Clo - I'm guessing you're not going to be suburban mom with the mini van just yet!!! Good luck with the move and baby making!!!
I hope you find the perfect new apartment! Very excited for you. I love the things you've picked out. I especially love the idea of homemade wash cloths.
oh claudia...
this post made me so happy because i am feeling the same way right now...
(although i would never admit it to my mum or clayton) we've been looking at houses and all i can think about is how awesomely dressed my kid would be and how fun it would be to come home and see the fella and the baby hanging out. gosh... i'm glad you're freaking out too! (let's freak out together)
i love your nesting goods...
keep us updated on your nest creating among other things! good luck claudia!
- tiffany
Hehe, I'm exactly the same! We've had changes in our apartment with now a brand new room for a baby, I bought a pregnancy book etc, I'm really looking forward! Unfortunately, no luck so far: it's too soon to worry, but now I tend to leave those things for when I'm actually pregnant... But imagining is good!
Sometimes planning is the most fun. I have a notebook from when my eldest was a twinkle in the eye. It provided a wonderful outlet then - a very intense time. Enjoy yours. Fun.
Oh, exciting times ahead! You are going to be one cool mama!
Very exciting!! I think that you will have a great time as a mum! And I do hope you find the greatest apartment!
I wish I could find this comment you left for me when Finn was born. You were so not ready for a baby then... Life changes so fast for all of us it's crazy! Finn is one now.
Good luck on finding a place! Believe me, all the things you think now will change once a baby arrives! :)
Wow! You are ready to go! I love the items you are collecting...
I too left a small loft apartment to move into a larger character home and let me tell you — people were meant to have closets! I am so happy for you and the new life you're planning — you're going to be an incredible mom. Daydreaming is so fun, because you get to plan for all the good stuff. Oh, and I chuckled a bit about your maternal clock — that ticking does come out of nowhere doesn't it? And it's LOUD ;). Good luck with hunting for a new nest!
lol - this cracked me up. Once your pregnant, nothing is "cute" pregnant clothes. They are all fat clothes. hehe Trust me, I was the same way. After you've had baby, they all become cute again. What I do have to say on the subject is to go to the boutique's (if you can afford it) and get the spendy maternity clothes. They are the cutest and you will feel the best. Once I left the chain stores and went to the specialty boutiques, I felt so much better. Unfortunately, we were tight on funds, so there wasn't much of that going on. But even a little was enough. Well, this is going to be an exciting adventure for you! Have fun!
congratulations! moving is so refreshing, like you're starting over... and you'll have fun nesting. :)
Yay! This makes me happy! I feel the same way about this (except we already have a house). It's so exciting!
I'm thinking of baby's too, good luck to you and Dan. I sort of decided to stop day dreaming about it, but I just oredered AB little stitches for little ones, I guess deep down I still allow my self to dream about it!
You are going to have some wonderful adventures!
I hope you take us along for some of them too:)
Wow Clo that sure is exciting news, I am soooo happy for you two. You are the cutest couple and will make great parents. Good luck on the hunt for a new nest!!
What a sweet post....and what an adventure it sounds like you & Dan are embarking on.
Good Luck withe the new place, and the addition of a baby too.
Je découvre le blog et une super nouvelle! ... félicitation !!!
can't wait to see what you find in terms of new living space & decor etc...
This is a sweet post, and it's fun to picture you clipping pages from catalogues or magazines or faving your etsy wish list. Wherever you end up nesting it will be such a reflection of you and Dan and perhaps a new family member too!
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