After, things got a little out of control. Brian, my dog, got sick and stopped eating. If you have a dog, you know that a pet with no appetite is a pet that is not well. We went to our vet and he sent us to the animal hospital. So, after 5 minutes at the ER and one ultrasound later, they told us that Brian had an object stuck in his intestine and that without an emergency surgery he would die!
Then, they looked at us and they know that we know what this means because they know that we love our dog but that we see our trip to Berlin and my expensive wallpaper and my new spring wardrobe falling apart! And then I opened my mouth : how much? Not that it matters because we will pay. Because Brian is our little baby...a money pit baby but still our baby! So Brian is back home (it is not a pretty picture) after 48 hours, drugged with morphine and without the piece of rubber toy that he ate at the dog park.

But things are not that bad...drum roll....Sew magazine wrote an article about me and my little blog (to read the article) in their March issue. How cool is that??? Sew magazine is not available in Montreal so the charming Nikki (editorial assistant) sent me a copy by the mail. I was so happy but the greatest thing about the article is the mini "tribute" to my sewing teacher. It was such a surprise for him! However, I have mix feeling about the poster size color photocopy that he made. Now, when I go to sewing class, I see my face on the wall!!!

Have a lovely weekend xoxo
Oh Claudia I don't know where to begin!
Congrats on the new gig and WOW on the magazine write up. I told you you were amazing :)
I'm so sorry that your baby was unwell. I can't imagine the wreck I'd be if something was to happen to one of my furry babies. I too would plunk down the cash for a life saving surgery. I hope that he heals w/o issue and you'll have to keep us updated.
oh ouch! that will certainly hurt the old wallet, but you're right. what's a trip to berlin if you didn't have that squishy face to come home too?
ALSO. miss clo. you are aces. and so damn inspiring.
I totally understand your anxiety- my rabbit got foam stuck in his intestines this week and we had so much worry and a HUGE vet bill, but it was essential to get him better. Hope Brian gets fitter. So glad you are featured in an English Magazine- I will check it out!
Claudia, I'm glad that Brian is on the mend!!
The article about you looks terrific, congratulations! I'll look for it at the bookstore!
Good Lord!!! Poor doggy. Poor you and he...
You would think that vet bills would be more reasonable by now...I would never have been able to get that much cash. I live bare -BARE- so that I can "work for myself"...Luckily my cat hates dog parks!
I hope everything goes well. I wish the little one a fast recovery!
ps. perhaps you could ask the vet to bring a nice souvenir from Berlin? ...
word on the street says that brian thinks the $2470.30 was worth every penny and he knows you do too even if he is a money pit. so are we with sewing and traveling and wallpaper. glad you're all good and congrats on the job and article! woof ;)!
So excited to hear about your magazine writeup! Hope Brian's recovery is going a bit more smoothly, he's in good hands for sure.
hugs and puppy kisses to your little bri guy. when you have a connection to a friend like that, its worth every penny.
making some wishes that he gets better and can enjoy the dog park again soon!
congrats on the mag article, thats suuper cool!
furry friends challenge us sometimes, but you did the right thing!
and the article? I feel like I could have said all those exact words! i think we are living quite parallel lives.
congrats on the good, may it balance out the financially challenging. :)
I'm glad that your sweet pup is gonna be OK. Whenever someone says something about how much we spend on our cats' health, my husband always says, "Well, they would do it for us." And I believe that.
I'm glad there were two really happy things to counter the worried thing. Congratulations!
that's wonderful about your write up! and that your pup is doing better. we have a dalmatian and she has had some pretty crazy surgeries before, it can be SO scary. i'm glad it all worked out for you.
Congrats on the new job and the Sew Magazine feature! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you! I'm sorry to hear about you little dog, though I'm really glad he's doing okay! I hope he's all better really soon!
So very awesome on the Sew Magazine piece!! But the $2470.30 - damn! glad he's okay though.
Poor Brian! I had my own money pit, but she was worth every penny. It's so hard to have vet bills like that, but companionship of a pet is so worth it.
Hi. I hope Brian's fully mended now but I'm staggered! Don't you get pet insurance in Canada? Your vet's bill is crazy money!
I know what it's like to be unemployed, and feel like withdrawing from the world. Good luck with the (permanent) job hunting. You can do it!
Sorry to hear about your dog, but happy he's fine now. And I totally now what you mean, I would always spent any money to make my cats well again ;)
About Berlin: You really still should go! I reckon the flight might be the most expensive thing, but Berlin itself is veeery inexpensive if you know where to go! If you like, I can give you a couple of tips ;)
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