Wednesday 15 December 2010

Really? At 24 weeks!

Looking at my maternity calendar, I realized that I will start my third trimester on Christmas day. Another reason to be festive! So I made two soft trees (the red one is from Ella), carefully decided which critters would be in my little forest and while I was taking a few pictures of the morning sickness decided to pay me a visit! Are you joking??? At 24 weeks!!! Not nice :(


NADYNE said...

hang in there, sweetpea!

Tonya Gunn said...

These trees are so sweet - just one of the many things on my to-make list - hope you are feeling better soon.

kate / tinywarbler said...

boo for morning sickness, yay for soft trees!!
they look great.

Jacinthe said...

The last Time i had morning sickness i was at 41 weeks!
:-( good luck!
The trees are so cute! I want to know how to make those :-)

Anonymous said...

There are so many sweet things you have shared. I'm due a the end of April!

UK lass in US said...

Aw, sweet! - the trees, not the morning sickness. I had that all the way through with both pregnancies... ugh.