However, since I have to keep myself entertained until I give birth, I will tackle some simple baby crafts. This week, I made a few (8) contoured burp cloths from one of Cloud 9 Fabric's beautiful tutorials (they also have wonderful fabric). The facing is made with girlie fabric scraps that I was keeping in case we would have a "mini-Claudia". For the backing, I used cotton diaper fabric.
Also, for your information, they officially "kicked me out" of the office. They made it clear that it was time for me to let go and enjoy those last few weeks of calm. They were also a bit annoyed that I was begging for their snacks all the time ;)
I love this fabric! So sweet. Enjoy the last few weeks of nesting.
Enjoy the last little bit of time that it's just you, the hubby and the fur babies. You'll miss it soon enough.
I actually right up until the day I went into labor -- which is not at all how I hoped it would happen. My boss, however, had other ideas. He fully expected me to work right up until I popped the kid out... even if that was week after my due date (he's pretty clueless). I guess I should be thankful that I went into labor the night before my due date, eh? :)
The home stretch - looks like you're putting it to good use!
So sweet! Love those fabrics, especially the top one. Thanks so much for checking in at my poor, neglected blog--for some reason I wasn't getting my comments...really should get around to putting my email there, silly me! I am such a bad blogger--love checking in at yours though!
Wow, your due date is coming so fast--exciting!! Words of wisdom towards the end: try to go to sleep every night at a reasonable hour lest you go into labour that night (I started about 1:30 am just after I finally dragged myself into bed) and lo and behold I was in it for the long haul--36 hours with no sleep doing the hardest work of my life! Definitely would not recommend that ;)
yay for finished nurserys! ours is coming along pretty well. i just made so many purchases that my credit card company called to make sure it wasn't stolen. (not that we are buying *that* much stuff, but for me....)
man, i want to learn to sew SO BAD.
You have the cutest burp cloths! I can't wait to see mini-Claudia clothes.
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