Sugar shack season is one of my favorite times of the year. I have been telling Alice, for the past few weeks, that she was not allowed to come out today because I had to get my yearly fix of fat and sugar. And I did...I think that I gained an extra 5 lbs in one meal!!!
For the occasion, our "group" had to wear checkered shirts. Dan suggested that I take one of his and pimp it up a bit. Let me tell you that the staff was pretty impressed with my big belly!

This weekend, I also learned that Dan had a childhood! When we moved in together, he didn't have any objects from when he was a kid. So I got very excited when, while visiting us, his mother gave him back his baby quilt (that she made by hand) and his stuffed bear.
The quilt will be installed, as art, on a wall in the nursery. As for the bear, that we named Bobo after
Mr. Burns childhood teddy bear in The Simpsons, it now lives on Dan's bedside table!
Oh well, I guess you can call me curious, but two question come to my mind..:
Didn't the bear have a name from Dan's childhood?
And, can't you wear the quilt as a quilt?
I bet it looks pretty fantastic on the wall, but I was just wondering...
Take care!
oh my goodness, you look so CUTE!! I love the pimped out men's shirt - awesome.
I think I'm going to get to experience my very first sugar shack adventure in the next couple weeks. I'm really looking forward to gaining those 5 delicious pounds :)
ps. you must be due any day now. how wonderfully exciting!
that quilt is gorgeous! props to his mom!!!
Yes, lovely quilt, and you do look cute in this outfit!
you are lovely.
the blanket and bear are too.
wow, you're HUGE now! haha, like you didn't know that but you definitely pull it off well. love the second photo, its darling. i get you can't wait to "take off" your pregnant suit ;)
Sugar shack is one of the things I miss the most about living in Montreal :)
you are ADORABLE.
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