On the 6th day after childbirth
I got a case of baby blues:
I cried for no reason,
I felt like a loser,
I had zero patience,
And milk was still everywhere...
Luckily for me, my husband, told me I was awesome.
And that he will be there for me no matter what!
I hope that she won't mind her special little toe.
Personally, I love it!
I knew that she had come! Oh, Claudia. She's SO, SO beautiful..with gorgeous big dark eyes and a perfect little body - and the hair! Lucky you.
Lots and lots of congratulations to you and your wonderful husband. :))
And if you get another day of baby blues, then take a look at all the many posts you have written over the past months while expecting Alice. They are written with such huge amounts of love, anticipation and mother skills. They all show what a fabulous and loving mom you are. :))
Take care.
Dear Claudia, you have the loveliest child and you are a super cool mom! Sorry you are feeling blue, we have been all there and usually it just goes away, take good care, hang in there this two shall pass, i just dropped my little girl in day care and it seems like it was yesterday that I had those baby blues. On the good side of your flow you are able to feed your child, mine almost died of starvation when I breastfeed so I was forced to use formula and that felt like being a looser not to feed your own child, but you know what I just the love that counts, we all try to the best we can and motherhood is just that bumpy ride, the best part is those baby always look up to you so freshly so full of love, they forget rather fast when we have been impatience our not to cool!
Take care!;o)
You ARE awesome. And Dan is a good man. As for Alice - I think she looks like she knows she has lucked out on the parent stakes.
The milk everywhere thing? This too shall pass. Get some sleep.
Sorry to hear you've got a bit of the blues Claudia :( That is difficult to endure, no matter how lovely your baby is or how helpful your partner (believe me--in those early days mine got a breast pump full of milk thrown in his direction for all his trouble, poor guy!) I hope it will pass soon for you--I'm sure you're doing a lovely job. Just remember that this is all new and both you and baby are learning :) Alice is lovelier by the day--can't believe she is a whole week already! Best wishes to all of you. xx
Such a beautiful little lass!
Try to get some sleep where you can - I always get more emotional after no sleep, so things weren't pretty in those first few weeks....
This first week is really hard emotionally + just know that your blues are normal - you are "shedding" massive amounts of hormones or at least that is what I like to think happens. I remember on the 7th day (the day I was finally able to leave the hospital and go home!) I was crying at everything. It was a really up + down time for a bit but it gets better...Lots of love to you + your new awesome family!
yes, do think of it as "shedding"... i cried and cried on the 4th and 5th day, for no reason and for what seemed like non-stop. it happens and will get better and go away. hang in there, this is such a HUGE adjustment, as wonderful and magical and great as it is, it's still a big, big change.
you are a super mama.
xo *s
Enchante, Mlle. Goyer! Tres charmant!
Claudia, hang in there! Go ahead and cry and get it out. This is all so new and different, isn't it? It's that way for all three of you. I think our girlie was about a week or so old when my husband said one of the smartest things I've ever heard. He said, "Being a baby is the hardest job in the entire world. You have to learn EVERYTHING. You have all these new sensations; sight, touch, feelings from your own body, and you have to try to understand them! And to add communication on top of all of that! Phew!"
We're all pulling for you and sending lots of love and good karma. Be well, little birds!
How sweet she is!
Hey, Zoe had two toes like that, and her pediatrician told us to fix it because it would stick like that and maybe even a bit crooker when she got old, and she might fear to use sandals. I have the same problem (but I love wearing sandals, because I don't mind my toes look), but the bad aspect of this is that it can (not always) cause pain and additional back aches and such. It can happen a lot of years later of course. But still, we decided that it was a good option to try and fix it. And the best part is that it was so easy! It can be fixed by placing a piece of soft tape around the toe in a particular way (according to the position in each case) while their feet grow.
I am just telling you all this not to upset or worry you, it has not a big importance. But only so you can get informed and ask what Alice'e pediatrician thinks about this, if you and Dan want.
All that boring thing said, I love her toes! And I am super thrilled for you three! You are brave, strong and loving.
Absolutley beautiful baby, you are indeed awesome!
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