Monday 11 April 2011

Papa kangaroo

I had to share this picture that I took 10 minutes after I gave birth...while my doctor was teaching a student how to do stitches...really, 20 minutes for 2 stitches?!?


Ali said...

Precious picture to have. I swear the stitches hurt more than giving birth!

Jennifer said...

What a lovely photo!

Oy -- I remember getting stitched up. Ouch.

But I had waaaay more than 2 stitches, I'm afraid. I had an episiotomy (that little Guy didn't want to come out without a lot of help) AND a fourth degree tear. I think it took about an hour to get me put back together.

Anonymous said...

i love they're both wearing hats...
those two were made for eachother!

Tibi said...

Congratulations!! What a beautiful baby girl!!
I’m still cleaning my tears from your birth story.
That moment is magical, and is so great to know that you will remember this precious story your whole life!

You are such a beautiful family!! Congrats again.

shine little light* said...

This picture makes me want to cry! So lovely! *s*