It was never in our plan to have Alice sleep in our bedroom. She has her bed and we have our bed. However, after two weeks, I was more than happy to welcome a bassinet in our bedroom.
Life was simple until one night, after the 3am breastfeeding shift, I decided to push Dan to the very edge of our "big" full size bed and give cosleeping a try. She was so adorable, snoozing peacefully between mommy and daddy, regurgitating all over our sheets (um, this is another story).
Now we have a little situation. Alice doesn't want to go back to her bassinet after the 3am...and 6am breastfeeding shift. She kicks her swaddling blanket, hits the bassinet wooden bars with her little hands and gurgles non stop. All of it ends as soon as she find herself in our grown up bed!
At the moment, I love part-time cosleeping but I worry that the eventual transition to her own bed, in a few weeks, will be more stressful for her and challenging for us. Oh well, only time will tell!
Alice received her beautiful felt balls ... as well as other delightful surprises!
Parenthood - one long series of adjustments to what we originally thought....
ha! i love this.
I'm a sucker -- I say give in now lol.
Neither of us thought we would let the LO sleep in our bed. Now he's almost six month old, happily sleeping between mom & dad.
"regurgitating all over our sheets"
^^ We have this problem, too. ^^
I'd say if you're loving it now, keep at it. She'll eventually have her 'always' bed so you should enjoy your enjoyment of co-sleeping now.
All I will say is it's very hard to get the kids back into their own beds!!! My first born has not slept in her bed for a couple of years. I know. I know. We're horrible!!!
We co-slept for one year. It only stopped after I stopped breast-feeding. She is our third and we are currently expecting our fourth (girl) . She is now in her own crib sharing a room with her 6 year old sister and the transition was not that hard. Now I am not sure you want to do it for a year but just do what is best. My thoughts where I can get my sleep and be funtional or have a crabby baby screaming in another room and I am a wreck. I chose co-sleeping.
-Claudia in Chicago.:)
I never intended to cosleep, but our little girl refused to go back to her bed after her 2 a.m. nursing session so in the end I just gave in and we had the same routine for nearly two years....she'd sleep in her own bed until 2 a.m. and then in ours until morning. Now that she sleeps in her own bed at 3 years old I am happy we coslept. I kinda miss her now at night :)
Two comments: 1) don't let anyone try to convince you that there's any easier time/way to get a kid to sleep in their own bed. All of my friends that used cribs exclusively with their babies have ended up with co-sleeping toddlers; 2) I just tucked a towel under the kid and I to catch the occasional fluids.
We didn't plan on co-sleeping, but with a little guy that nursed many, many times a night (and still does at 1, but that's a whole other story), the only way I was able to sleep and keep my sanity was to have him in bed with us. In the interest of wanting to sleep next to my husband, Mr. Baby is in his crib half the night and with us half the night. I wouldn't worry about it. Do what is easiest and what you feel comfortable with. It will eventually end.
Also, our son had acid reflux for the first 6 months and was pretty leaky. We slept with a towel under us and changed it out in the morning.
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