I really love to coordinate Alice's clothes. I know that it is not the end of the world but I don't appreciate a baby outfit that combines, for example, so many different patterns that you can see a sample of all living creatures (plus some stripes and flowers if you are feeling a bit eclectic) in a glimpse of an eye!
So getting a few well chosen solid color clothes was the solution to this little fashion faux pas. After an afternoon shopping with Alice (in her ergo that left my belly very sweaty) my quest ended at American Apparel.
I can't believe that I will write something positive about American Apparel since I always feel like a complete loser when I enter this store. Maybe it is just me but I have no interest in adding a spandex unitard or a shiny bodysuit to my wardrobe and I think that the staff knows it!!! Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw their very nice kid collection. It is all available in solid colors and at a very affordable price.
And the staff must really love babies since, for the first time, they helped me with my purchases! Good to know ;)
* * * * *
oneeyedrabbit: Um, well, I don't know! I will give it a try and see what happens!
one claire day: I'm so happy with Alice's sleeping pattern. The only thing is that I have to breastfeed a LOT during the day since she still needs 6-8 meals a day.
lina: Dan and I are all about realistic expectations :)
ali: This is totally something that I would do (forget things for me)!
julia: You are so right! I think that I was a bit sleepy when I wrote that question (everybody knows that the tooth fairy only comes with loosing teeth)!!! How often did you stop during your 5 hours car ride?
all lit up: Wow, it is so cool that you traveled a lot with your kid! We are actually looking to buy a "pack and play" and use it a few weeks before we go on vacations so she can get used to it.
kim u: You are going to Kyoto with your family?!? This is uber cool! I'm sure that it will be an amazing family trip...with maybe a few challenges ;) We are also museum people but I can see myself at the beach with Alice! I can't wait to know more about your Asian adventures :)
cal's mum: I just found a place in Montreal that sells Baby NatureCare disposable nappies. I wanted to try them but I didn't know anybody who were using that brand. Good to know that you like them. And we are also thinking about doing cloth when we are home and disposable for night.
barbara: I don't know the concept of the "good-enough mother".
Ooh, thanks a lot for the tip! It may well be very useful to me!
And don't these simple clothes highlight the cuteness of the children?
They do have a great kids collection and the colors & materials are so nice!!
I find AA a bit overpriced here in Europe, so I found that H&M has a great range of baby onesies in great cotton and bold colors just like AA but for a better price!!
Merci pour le hint; je ne savais pas pour AA.
Je pourrai te donner un lift pour le h&m; j'y suis allée aujourd'hui et y'a tellement de beaux trucs pour fille!!
I'm enjoying your new mom posts, especially because you are ready to be so honest.
With regards to this post - I remember that you are a lovely seamstress, will you be venturing into the world of baby sewing? What I love is I can pick the colors and prints - retail baby clothes seem to have a limited color palette from which it is quite liberating to escape! I mostly use ottobre http://www.ottobredesign.com/ but also have some Japanese pattern books I love...
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