Anyway, one of the great thing with having a motherhood blog is that I can "record" some information that could be useful in the future...much more reliable than a little post-it on the fridge!

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lola: I'm also not a super big makeup+fashion person but I do love a cute little outfit. I don't know if Alice will be a "princess" but I will also go for the cheesy "you're a beautiful kind person on the inside and that's what matters".
lina: Thank you! My mom's house is pretty awesome :)
ali: Um, boys probably also have "issues"...I just don't know what?!?
oscarlucinda: Thank you so much! I hope that Alice will be a balanced girl...fingers crossed!
daniela: Glad to know that you also believe that balance is key. I'm sure that you will teach wonderful values to Olivia...to super cool mamas :)
kara: You rock! I'm all for traveling, volunteering and learning about other people...especially the not too much tv or facebook. You are my idol :)
lila: Thank you so much! What you said (you run the risk of them looking for that validation elsewhere) is super smart. Each child is different and I will do my best to make sure that Alice has a balance life.
kim u: I think that you are so right about the media setting up "wars" about mom stuff! We each have different approaches, as long as it works.
taryn: Thank you so much!!! I'm curious, what are the boys issues? I will tell my mom that you said that she has a beautiful home :)
one claire day: You are totally right and I love how you said it (more about their childlike innocence, the twinkle in their eye, the way their emotions are completely genuine). I love to find interesting (with a bit of controversy) articles! Thank you sssooo much for what you said about Alice but, must of the time, I don't know what I'm doing!!! Pretty scary when you think about it!!! Thank god that I can get inspiration from wonderful moms like you...you are doing such a great job with your daughter! xox
rita: This is where I grew up. It is a pretty cool house! I will try to find the book Cinderella Ate My Daughter. Thank you for the info. This is so cool that you don't have a TV! We have one but rarely watch it. I'm also worried about the princess culture. I also think that it’s up to the parents to make sure that little girls (and boys) get a balance life.
kate: I hope that you have a lovely pregnancy. The toy is from IKEA. Alice loves to play with it! Oh, your blog is Habibi. If I'm correct, this is "my love" in Arab, right? Take care :) http://www.ikea.com/ca/en/catalog/products/70108177
ella: Oh Ella, I think that it is good to have strong opinions (also guilty). But I realized, now that I have Alice, that each babies are so different and what works for Alice might not work at all for other babies! Oh well, it makes talking with other moms much more interesting (love to learn new stuff)! xox
Oh yes - baby brain... or the mother fog as some like to call it. I think it does get better, but then again, after three kids, I can't really remember!
PS I think the brain has to make room for more important things, now that you're a mum.
They are the most adorable photos! I love the way your hands fit around her little body! (And , yes, we all suffer from that memory problem...)
Ooh, that travel high chair is genius. Thanks for sharing!
Tu n'es pas seule a avoir des problemes de memoire...idem ici! C'est flippant par moment, mais on fait avec et on en rigole! Quant a la chaise haute en tissue, nous avons la Totseat et je recommande fortement ce produit. A Paris, les gens ne sont pas du tout baby friendly dans les restos donc c'est assez pratique de pouvoir plier la poussette et avoir Liam a table avec nous!
Geeeez, how can someone be so cute!!! Beautiful pictures! Olivia has the exact same hat and fits the exact same way! haha! same color even!
(Thanks AmApp!). Hope you are enjoying your summer! Just needed to comment on the hat XD
Um, what was I going to say? Probably something along the lines of your memory does improve a bit when they get older. That might not be true, though - whole chunks of my education still seem to be missing from my memory files. Now, what did I come in this room for anyway?
Aw, what a little cutie she is! That high chair looks great (they came up with all the best ideas once my kids had outgrown the need for them).
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