Alice is also getting a bit more demanding. She is still an extremely easy baby but requests more entertainment from me. I also have to be more vigilant since her little hands can grab stuff at the speed of light and she is always crawling towards not-baby-friendly objects (ex: to eat dirty dog toys or to use the wooden rockers on the Eames chair as a teether).
Tomorrow, I will get my wisdom tooth removed, so Alice and I are going to take a little blog (and activities) break. I'm totally looking forward to spend some real quiet time with Alice, Dan and the pets...watching movies, reading magazines, taking naps, going for walks...and stealing some of Alice's purees for myself while my gums recover from torture!
Take care!

I agree, Claudia, I feel the same! Of course, I'm out teaching a few days a week, so I guess it's a little different for me. Juno is getting more demanding at times, too, and sometimes she wants only me (especially when she's crabby or teething). I love that she finds me comforting, on one hand, but I also need other people to hold her sometimes, ha, like her daddy. :) Good luck with your tooth!
Good luck with your wisdom teeth! I'm getting mine out next week. Here's to a speedy recovery for us both.
Goodbye tooth - rest up and enjoy your little hiatus as best you can!
good luck! And enjoy being looked after for a few days- you deserve it!
enjoy your peaceful time. I had my wisdom teeth pulled and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, sending you best wishes and hoping it isn't to bad for you either :)
enjoy (if you can!) a little rest. this is my advice to everyone getting wisdom teeth out (even my dad, who had them out this week at age 65!), eat some pineapple today- as much as you can. don't know why, but it helps so much with the healing. i ate a whole pineapple the day before i had mine out years ago and was back to regular food in a day or two- and very little pain and bleeding. just a suggestion. xo
I hope having your wisdom teeth out wasn't too bad, I lived on yoghurt and ice cream when I had mine take out a few years back. Enjoy the lazy days at home :)
I hope things went well and you're enjoying your down time! Alice is looking beyond cute in these pictures, by the way!
Since no one else has said it: how cute that you are teething at the same time. ;)
Wisdom tooth removal seems to vary a bit but on the whole isn't too bad. I think it is a little worse if you have to go under a general anesthetic but that is probably just because the anesthetic is hard on your body. My advised (based on my own experience) is just to make sure that both you and Dan understand your aftercare instructions. They can vary a lot between clinics and doctors and not following them can leave you feeling really bad (that's the personal experience part).
hang in there mama!
i hope you are feeling better lady! enjoy your down time and snuggle time as best you can. xo
good luck
with the
wisdom teeth...
and have
some great
QT and healing
with the family.
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