I generally take an afternoon nap with Alice and I realized that she really enjoys resting her head on my pillow. She also does it with our floor cushions when she is getting a bit tired of chasing the cat ;)
A few weeks ago, while she was fighting a nasty cold, we elevated her head a bit with a pillow since she was very congested. I think that she fell in love with the pillow at that moment!
Also, is there such thing as a "toddler pillow"?
Thank you!
Lovely toddler bedding by Colette Bream.
I recently asked this question and I have a two year old! The consensus I heard from other moms was that after a year, it was ok for a child to have a (fairly firm) pillow.
Ah, I was just thinking of this today. What great timing! Eden likes to lay her head on the pillow when we have our morning snuggles in bed. I did start using a blanket on her in her crib, but it usually ends up kicked off by morning.
PO a une toddler pillow. Ikea.oui.oui.
i think after a year most children can handle a pillow, but every mom and every child is different, so who really knows...
i'm new to your blog and am really enjoying the anecdotes you share about parenting and your little girl. they are so thoughtful and sweet. thanks for the posts.
Here in Norway people use a duvet almost from the start. At the clinic when she was born the infant nurses used a duvet all the time. So we used it at home as well. So, my answer is: here we use it from the start. As for a pillow, I often wonder the same... but I guess, she's strong now, and if she feels happy with it now I would tots go for it... but that's me ;)
ramona hasn't yet shown a desire or need for a pillow but she does sleep with a wool blanket in her crib. like another commenter, it's usually kicked off when she wakes up to nurse or for the morning. and she sleeps near enough to us and we check on her enough that i'm not too worried about a blanket in her crib.
love the blue fabric with the ribbon!!!! XO
No pillows. She is far too small. We have a 4 year old and he still doesn't have a pillow. Their bodies aren't heavy enough to warrant that extra support either and you could be doing more harm than good. My partner who works in a medical field says they don't need it and it isn't good for their developing bodies/spines. But I would perhaps ask a physiotherapist or an osteopath before rushing out to buy one?
For bad colds and congestion you could try putting two medium-sized books of equal height under the legs of the cot at the head end so it is elevated slightly and then she isn't lying completely flat. It sometimes works well. Use books you aren't that fond of as the weight of the cot can leave a dent in them.
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