Thursday 28 June 2012

Having fun with playdough


We made playdough during the weekend.
It was a total hit until Alice decided to taste it...super salty (last picture)!

1/2 cup of flour
1/2 cup of water
1/4 cup of salt
1/2 tablespoon cream of tartar
1/2 tablespoon cooking oil

Combine and mix over low heat.
Once the dough comes together let cool

recipe from the awesome blog How We Montessori 

* * * * *

I'm part of Jennifer's bookworm Wednesday. If you want to read my answers take a look at her blog.


Jennifer said...

I imagine our result would be much the same... although maybe quicker. He has to taste everything that isn't meant to be eaten. Crazy kids!

oscarlucinda said...

1. Thanks for introducing us to the Montessori blog...another Canberra blogger too! We've signed little Saskia up for the parent-toddler program at the local Montessori school so this is right up my alley :)
2. Both my parents are teachers also (read your bookworm interview). Did you have to read all the educational plaques by the side of the road on each family holiday too? ;)