Tuesday 1 January 2013

13 goals in 2013


They are not resolutions but goals for 2013 (is there really a difference?): 
  1. make a Waldorf doll for Alice
  2. grow out my bangs 
  3. get a tattoo 
  4. become a doula
  5. bake my first loaf of bread
  6. complete one (minimum) sewing project each month
  7. take a basic makeup workshop 
  8. create a photo book for Alice
  9. register to a local yoga class
  10. try one new recipe each week using our new hand-blender
  11. invest in a complete bra/underwear makeover
  12. make bee wax candles 
  13. maybe - organize a simple writing ("pen pal") activity because now that I get my bills online I don't receive that many fun snail mails anymore (not that bills are fun!) and because I like to send adorable little packages!  note: If you would like to exchange letters/cards/little packages (what about a tea trade?), let me know...this could be fun right?!?

Happy New Year!

* * * * *

And another wonderful quote from Plato:

“Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”


oscarlucinda said...

That is a list full of some pretty ace projects. I think I'm most excited to read number #4. From what I know of you through your blog you would make a beautiful doula...Happy new year x

ps. I'ld love to do a tea trade...if Australia is exotic enough for you!

martha said...

Great goals!

I just finished a Waldorf doll for W. You'll do such a lovely one for Alice.

And I need to do number 11 too. ;) And let's be pen pals! Snail mail is fun!

happy new year to you!

Farah said...

Being an old fashioned pen pal would be fun - I'd be happy to be a part of your growing list of snail mail buddies :)

Lola said...

I just made beeswax tapers and it's so fun and easier than I thought. Fun list. I'm just now rounding up supplies to my my kiddos each a waldorf doll. I'm not going to lie, I'm intimidated.

Chloe Zaug said...

I love you blog and following along in your journey. My little guy is 11 months old and it's such a joy/challenge.

I would love to be a pen pal! I've don't fun swaps before and would be up for another (tea, spices, doodles, whatever).

I grew up going to Waldorf schools (K-8) and my mom still has my doll. I always much preferred the gnomes, wasn't much of a people doll person. Now with my own baby I'm very interested in Montessori methods.

I'm going to draft my own list of goals now! My husband baked his first bread this weekend, and sauerkraut

emily -- a denver home companion said...

those are some great resolutions and intentions. you've inspired me!

and i'm always down for letter-writing and gift-package sending!

emily at adenverhomecompanion dot com (if you're interested too!)

Lina said...

Hi Claudia! i am with you on most of those resolutions specially to sew a garment each month for my daughter! Pen pal would be fun, and some exchanges too it's been long since I did the swaps... I am south from you, a hint: my country is the only southamerican country with two oceans... Take care!

may said...

i'd love to do a trade!

anoushkasofia said...

I've been following your flickr & blog for a long time now (I remember one of your posts in which you said something like "my biological clock is teasing me" or something similar, meaning that you were ready to have a baby & now look: you have a toddler! I get lost of inspiration from your educational adventure though I'm not a mum yet. It gives me some directions & guidelines. Your "work in process" approach is also very reassuring as it doesn't set any rigid frame.

I'm an English teacher in France & I'm not sure we make amazingly original tea but I guess we're good at other things. So If you'd like a French penpal, I'm all for it! Let me know & I will send you a package.

Anne Sophie (aka Anoushkasofiaemmanuella on Flick)