Saturday 16 February 2013

New "old" clothes and a little potty

(teething toddler sticking out her tongue) 


Converse: $3.99
Two "ugly but cute" footed pj : $2.99 each
Two floral bloomers: $0.99$ each
An awesome United Colors of Benetton sweater: $3.99

That was a good second hand shopping day :)

* * * * *

We also got a Baby Bjorn potty because Alice "told" us that SHE was ready to slowly start potty training (personally, I was not ready)!

A few minutes after we got the little potty, she clumsily removed her clothes and her diaper, walked around her new "toy" for 10-15 minutes, looked at me with a big smile on her face, sat on it and...pooped!

We waved goodbye to the flushed "caca", I gave Alice a big high five and she jumped in my arms.

I was in complete awe...I almost peed my pants ;)  

In the evening, Brian (my !"#$%?&* dog) had a accident and pooped on the joke, Alice totally freaked out (and I also freaked out). Let me tell you that I was not super happy but what's done is done.

To be continued...

* * * * *

hena tyeb: Thank you! Alice has her moments but she generally doesn't like to be to messy.   

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