To celebrate our “we are still together after 6 months” anniversary, my husband got me one of Ella’s beautiful dolls. It’s actually a substitute for our “tree of life” which is now in rehab at my mom’s house. The tree (aka giant potted plant) was suppose to represent our growing relationship as husband and wife. People were also invited to write their wishes on little cards and tied them with ribbons to its branches. To make a long story short, after only one month, the tree was in pretty bad shape. In conclusion, you don’t need to have a green thumb to have an happy marriage…and a doll is very low maintenance!

You look so stunning in that picture! Sorry about your tree of life. We were given a beautiful wedding rose for a present which flourished in our garden. Then we moved house and forgot to take a cutting. We went back to the new owners to ask if we could take a piece and they had ripped it out!!!
Happy 6monthaversary! What a lovely story and beautiful photo of you 2. I've assisted on many a wedding with my wedding photographer sister and yours sounds perfectly elegant indeed. You guys are adorable. i hope Ninochka lives long with you guys.
It sounds like the perfect wedding and you do look great in the photo! Congratulation on 10.5 years together! My parents have been together for 51 - 7 years before marriage and 44 since!
I love the doll - so much easier to care for than a plant - I know the plant killing gene - I have it too!!
happy half year anniversary.You look lovely on your photo. Your husband is such a sweetheart to get you that doll.My hubby wouldn't know where to start with etsy!! did he find it himself or did you ever so delicately hint to him???
Take care,
Congratulations! What a handsome couple you are!
Tomorrow will be 10 years since hubby and I started dating (we also started dating in high school, although we didn't go to the same high school so I don't know if we count as "high school sweethearts.")
I hope you're doing something nice to celebrate!
Happy Anniversary! Your wedding sounds divine. And I'm loving your matryoshka doll!
Happy monthniversary!! you look gorgeous!
Your wedding sounds so wonderful. And your doll is so pretty. Happy 10 years and 6 months!
What a sweet post! Congratulations! Such a beautiful photograph. Your wedding sounds so lovely.
You guys are just adorable, what a beautiful couple. It is so nice to know that you are such a happy couple.
Just to let you know, I love the little doll, your hubs a keeper.
Happy 6 month anniversary! Your wedding sounds absolutely perfect.
What an elegant couple you make - love your dress!! Elegant simplicity -- that's what I was thinking when I read your description of your wedding... Congratulations on your half-year as a wedded couple! Just wanted to know, were you suprised by the doll, or was he given certain hints? Either way, it's the perfect one for a wedding aniversary gift, i.e., the colors and the fabric choices are perfect (love that bird cage fabric on the body -- looks vintage?!) In fact, the doll seems like she would have fit in perfectly on your wedding day! -- I'm hoping to get my hands on one of those dolls soon - every time I check, they're all gone...have to talk to Ella about that...
Beata xxx
Congratulations on your half anniversary. And what an incredibly sweet doll.
Congratulations for both of you! I really liked your story about the wedding and about the plant. Your doll is so marvellous, very sweet of your husband.
congrats!! I LOVE your dress... absolutely gorgeous!
Congratulations on your anniversary! You make a lovely couple and you look so beautiful in your photo.
I married my high school sweetheart also. :)
And I love the doll. It's precious.
Hello from Toronto!
Congrats, I love your blog!
All my best wishes for a happy and sunny life together! Very nice picture of an elegant couple. My husband has the same 'barbe-moustache-looks' as yours :)
And by the way: I think that every occassion is good enough in a marriage to celebrate this bond... and why not every month?!
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