My recent passion for crafts is a blessing. I have such a good time during the entire crafting process: selecting a project, analysing the different steps, finding the right material, working patiently (or not) on the item and looking at the final result with a big smile on my face. There is one “but” and I know that I’m not the only one in that situation! …but I have a tendency to neglect other aspects of my life such as cleaning the dishes or dusting the furniture. I’m pretty sure that I could write “negligent” in the dust on the top of my bookshelf (I won’t take a picture - too humiliating).
Maybe when spring will knock at my door I will calm down and spend more time outside but in the meantime I need to make up my mind for my "craftevening"! I think that I will bring everything...it's good to have options!
I have that same layer of dust on my bookcase! Today (after shoveling show all morning) I spent most of the day cleaning the house because I have neglected it way too long! But it would have been SO much more fun to knit and sew all day . . .
Well, I add to your layer of dust, with my piles of laundry, dirty dishes and unmade beds! Since the mobile project is finished I really must tend to my house, husband and children. (Until the next craft calls me away....)
Add me to the list of neglecting other aspects of my life. It's so hard to prioritize isn't it?
What a cute note! Where did you find that? Oh, you should see my house whenever I decide to 'craft'. It's a disaster the week before, during and after!!!
Wow Claud,
I can so relate to your post, who doesn't love to sit and craft for hours and all the while you know the dust is calling. I find time flies when I am crafting and before you know it, it's 3:00, yikes.
You really hit the core with your remarks on neglecting the house while crafting and doing other interesting projects! I am SO happy to hear you all mention about the same thing, maybe I feel a little less ashamed now with our home! : ) Thanks!!
I am so with you on the neglecting thing.Thank goodness it doesn't apply to my babes too!!!
I had to catch up on laundry at the weekend as nobody had any clean knickers!! not good,not good!!
Take care
Natasha x
ok so i haven't read the whole post because i'm browsing quickly before the little one's bedtime but i just wondered what yoga bag pattern you are using?
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