Orchid from work
friend: Hey Claudia, where are you working now? What event are you planning?
me: Oh, I'm working but not on an event.
friend: So you got a contrat in marketing or communication?
me: No! Actually I work in a little boutique-showroom near my house.
friend: Um? A boutique?
me: Yes, I feel like I'm on vacation because I'm so relax!!!
friend: But....
me: I work in a tiny home decoration store and the owner is super nice!!! I will stay there until I find a full time job with decent work conditions (no 70 hours a week, no evil boss, no "you can't have a life if you work here") ... so I will probably be at the boutique at Christmas!
Lucky you! How nice to have such a relaxed job. They don't need anyone else do they? I'm free at the moment...
That's great! Congrats! I hope everything works out for you!
I was in a similar position last summer. I worked at a small local shop with people I enjoyed and customers I enjoyed while looking for a job. I rode my bicycle there and back and I was so so happy. I also worked at a small shop when I moved here a few years ago and was looking for work. These jobs may not have paid well, but they added wealth to my heart and happiness and friendships to my small circle. Stay happy and evil boss free!
What a coincidence!
After my last full time job as a designer, I'm working at a boutique too! Only it's a childrens boutique, adorable!!! It's so liberating.
I think it sounds like a perfect job - something you enjoy going to....something with a little design/creativity thrown in....
I just came across this blog and loved it. I wasn't going to leave a message, but then I read this post and felt compelled to write.
I am currently doing the "no time for anything, evil boss, 70hrs a week" version of life and HATE it.
Your boutique sounds wonderful! :0)
I'm happy for you...
Lots of love,
Jo xx
ps: a lot of very cute stuff here, by the way. Love the pics.
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