We finally got something for the nursery: a rocking chair. It is not your typical nursery rocking chair but it is pretty cute, second hand (important for me), not expensive and VERY comfortable! I think that it looks perfect with this
print on wood that I ordered yesterday from
Petit Collage.

I also made a few little bibs for mini A using this
simple tutorial. Since we won't know if it is a boy or a girl, I tried to get fabric scraps that were neutral. It is not manly man stuff but I don't think that it is too girly girl! Anyway, a little flower print never killed anybody!
Also, I asked a few "expert mom" bloggers to share their experiences about different subjects related to childbirth, eco-friendly baby, breastfeeding, etc. Even if there are many ressources available for soon to be parents, I naturally turned to Internet friends for advice. So, stay tuned for what I like to call "mommy talk". And you are more than welcome to participate if you want. Just send me an email.
Wow, the bibs look amazing! (and I like the chair and the print too)
Nice bibs! I'm stockpiling fabric for my own imminent baby but haven't had the chance to do anything with it yet.
I've started a baby page on my blog (http://stashavalanche.typepad.com/blog/bump-stuff.html) of sites I find particularly useful. They'll probably turn out to be mostly British sites but you might find some thing useful.
I'll keep adding as I find new sites but so far the best has definitely been The Nappy Lady (http://www.thenappyladyuk.co.uk/). She has tons of detailed information on reusable nappies, and has a questionnaire which you can fill in for free advice on which nappies might suit you (and your baby) best.
Gorgeous gorgeous chair Claudia - what a great find! Sending my info by email tonight when I finish it! BTW have to put you in touch with my very cool friend and neighbour who runs Applecheeks - google them. She owns the business with her friend making cloth diapers - made in Montreal!
Lovely chair and bibs! So you decided to be surprised if it's a girl or boy?
i love that chair!!!
and your bibs are perfect. great fabric choices.
Your bibs are so lovely! Great choice on those fabrics, they are perfectly neutral, but most definitely not boring neutral as some of those things tend to be. I'd love to participate in your 'mommy talk' feature too! My labour and delivery was a bit of a comedy of errors, so it may at least be good for some comic relief :)
PS> That chair is gorgeous--good find!
oh that chair is wonderful! i am green eyed...my glider isn't half as sweet. a great find! and the bibs you made are adorable. it's so lovely to make things for your baby.
Same thing happened to me when I had my son, great to see that you’ve put so many amazing products in one place! I love the modern designs and high fashion feel.
Thanks! we update the site with news products frequently and would love your feedback and suggestions.
I have a whole nursery to put together,what are you favorite products?
Love it! Very nice!
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