I consider that Dan and I are responsible people. I also believe that, at 31 years old, we can easily find our inner kid. We took our time before we decided to make a baby (you might not know it but Dan and I are high school sweethearts and we have been together for almost 14 years) and we can't wait to spend lots of time with our little baby girl...and when she will be a toddler, a kid, a teenager and an adult.
So how come the result of this online survey (total respondents: 20,042) done by UrbanBaby indicates that 60% of parents really don't enjoy spending time with their kids at all, and wish they could spend less time with them???
fruits and vegetables toys...I totally see myself playing with those!!!
OMG! I can't believe that! I love my babies and miss them when I'm at work. Now, honestly, every now and then I do need a break. But every parent needs some time to themselves. I wonder how many people participated in that poll.
I choose to be a home stay mom even if I'm an architect and I could turn back to my old job. I decided to stay at home "to learn" my own child. Since Emma was born, now she's 14 months old, every single day has been a challege, in a good way. I learn patience is, I learn how to resolve any silly thing using just my left hand while my other hand keeps Emma. For me, being a mother is one of the most challenging things I'll do ever. Sometimes it seems I could run away hehehe... but I'm far to say I don't enjoy time with my daugther. I've lived with her the most amazing moments of my life. These days she dances with one of her little hands up and spins on herself... for a 14 months old human being, it's HUGE.
By the way, Emma has that vegetables basket, she plays with them in a very different way I do : )
I love spending time with my children and was a stay at home mum for 5 years (and I am again now). However if you asked me on a bad day I might say otherwise! Seriously, parenting can be intense and relentless. Along with all the joy, amazement it can definitely be challenging, especially for people who might not get a break, even just to have a shower, go to the toilet by yourself etc. So although I wouldn't count myself in the 60%, if you are sleep deprived, have a challenging child or home life, I can certainly see how some people might start to feel that way.
My mama still loves to be with me and I love spending time with all three of my babes. There are times when I need a quick break but I would never say that I don't like being with them.
I just found your blog, and while this post didn't, many made me chuckle. As to this post's question: I don't have an answer, but I do think it is the reason for much of what is wrong in our society today. So many kids have problems assimilating into society because they aren't wanted and loved and they know it. I too was an older mom, at 29 (my babies are 21 and 24 now), but I stayed home with them after the 2nd was born and loved every minute of it. Of course, I had time to run and play and before they were born, so I never felt like I was missing out on something to focus on their lives. Now that they are moved out, except for college breaks for the youngest, my husband & I are focusing more on us again. I'll get off my soap box now. Oh, and about 19 hour labors--not always, my first baby was 4 hours and 45 minutes from first contraction to birth. Good luck!
I think many people are just too busy and too stressed-out to enjoy their kids. When mom and dad both work full-time outside the home, there's so much to be done in the few short hours at home that it must be hard to find the time to just sit and relax enough to play.
60% of parents...that's huge. I cannot even imagine this baby NOT being part of out current life. We already made so many plans for our family. 60%, really? Woah. I'll be ignorant on that question too.
P.S. Sorry, I deleted my last comment- i posted it from my husband's account.
Wow. It makes me sad. Sure there are days where I need a little break - a hot bath or 30 minutes of quiet reading time to myself. But I can't imagine wanting less time with my kids. I'm a teacher and summer is my favorite time - just because I get to be with my kids every day!
You know statistics it all depends on how the survey was set up and how many responded. Having said that, itnis a balancing act for sure. Finding your way with you child and also having time for yourself. Good luck in striking that cord it is often trying until that perfect note is hit.
I just have to say that I work for a research company and online polls like this are very negative response biased! There's a great article on Fast Company about this topic. http://www.fastcompany.com/1742550/qa-platforms-still-await-an-industry-leader So fear not, it could be un-trustworthy:)
If true, that is a very sad statistic. I have loved (and still love!)spending time with my baby (who is now 13!!!), and always knew that being a mom was for me. I think too many people don't realize the responsibilities that come with a child, and others feel pressured to have kids.
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