So it is with shaking hands that I started to push her rolling habitat for the short 5 minutes stroll that would lead us one block from our home. As we slowly walked in the rain, I swore at all the cracks in the sidewalk, I gave evil eyes to all the car drivers at the intersections and I also had a small fit when Alice's hat fell off her head by itself. I even looked at her every few minutes to see if she was still alive!
Maybe it is the lack of oxygen to my brain (Dan had to remind me to breath once in a while) but the first part of our trip felt like an eternity. As we arrived at the community health centre, I'm pretty sure that I looked exhausted...oh, wait, I'm exhausted since Alice discovered how to use her vocal cords last night!
Anyway, the point of this post is not to tell you that I'm an insecure new mother! I actually wanted to write about a great product that we used today for the first time. If you are not into fancy diaper bags (we are not), I strongly recommend Skip Hop: Pronto! changing station. It is basically a compact diapering essentials system that you can clip to your stroller.
So we were ready to change Alice's diaper but I have to admit that I was a bit insecure. After all, we are talking about the baby who managed, yesterday, to projectile poop on the wall...more than 3 feet away (I'm not kidding)!!!

I have this! Glad to hear it's so useful!
I remember those first outings, trying to get the hang of the stroller, remembering to bring everything with me...fun times!
You should be very proud that you remembered the change pad/diapers (we have that one too and LOVE it!). Our first time to the midwives for a check-up we forgot to bring an extra diaper and they had to give us one. We felt like very foolish new parents.
Yes, I understand what you went through! Eden had her first checkup at 5 days old. When we arrived at the pediatrician's office I almost had a nervous breakdown when I saw how many sick kids there were! I felt like crying almost the entire time!
I'll be thinking of you while rocking my very wide awake baby tonight. :)
Bravo little Alice, it sounds like you did well on your first journey outside, now you just have to tell your mama to chillax ;)
I love that they show this contented baby who is just happy to "hang out" on the change pad...Hunter, who has just turned 10 months, thinks that each changing is a torture session. We had to stop using the change table as he was pushing frantically with his legs in order to get off of it, and we were terrified that he might actually accomplish his goal and catapult himself off the table. So...now, we're changing on the floor where he behave like a kind of 60's protester. You know.. the kind you see in videos trying desperately to slither and writhe their way out of the arms of the police. That's Hunter...and the diaper. You can almost here him yelling, "You can torture me all you like!!!!!"
Doesn't matter...the diaper is still goin' on, baby.
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