Thursday 10 May 2012

I will be back soon...

...I went to get TIME magazine!!!


Jennifer said...

I find this cover to be incredibly offensive and not because of the breastfeeding mom. It's the title "Are you mom enough?" that angers me. I feel like it puts down all women by implying that,no matter our choices, we're never enough.

Bess Callard said...

Edwin and I are going to get a copy today too! VERY interested to read the article!!

Taryn said...

Baha! That was my reaction too. I thought the article was actually quite good - definitely not what I was expecting after seeing that cover.

oscarlucinda said...

K gets time delivered (in Australia) so I'm intrigued to read this one for sure. Will be very interested in your thoughts once I've read it - I'll check back in ;) x

kate / tinywarbler said...

haha! me too!
how are you stranger? i hope you had a lovely mother's day. xo