I guess that I have been a good girl in 2007 because Santa was very generous with me this year. When you are a kid, there is a positive correlation between happiness and the amount of presents that you get at Christmas. When you grow out of that phase you start to feel uncomfortable when you receive expensive or numerous gifts. Then start the “Oh my God, that was not necessary”, “You should not have spend that much money” and the “Are you out of your mind, that is way to much”. I guess the best thing to do is to suck it up and bring back the kid in you! There is nothing better at Christmas than seeing the look of joy in my family's eyes when I open my presents and get ectatic when I get...lets see... a ton of books, a camera, a 300$ gift certificate to buy a plane ticket, etc!

I also got a “sentimental” present. A few weeks ago, I wrote about my
grand-mother and a vintage squirrel pattern. My mom read the post and was touched by my attachment to her mother, a women that I never met but that I admire immensely. In 1974, my grand-mother made a beautiful quilt that my family kept. The quilt got very beat up over time but, as a souvenir, my mom took a square from the quilt that was still intact, framed it and gave it to me on Christmas day. It was then my turn to be touched by what my mother did...she tightened the bonds between three generations of women: my grand-mother, herself and I.
What an amazing present that quilt block is. How thoughtful and wonderful. Merry Christmas! :)
Hope you're having a fabulous holiday! I'm a bit jealous because I'm originally from Montreal and I so miss Christmas in Montreal! Nice stash of gifts - Lucky you!
Beata xx
Goodness, that's a nice pile of books for a crafter! I loved the little bird ornaments you made for you holiday ornament swap. They looked very sweet in all their simplicity and grace.
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