Lately I have been pretty quiet…too busy focusing on finding new ways to hate my job! What can I say? I’m passionate no matter what! I realized that it was time for me to quit when my doctor told me that I had rosacea and that it was probably the result of high emotional stress. So I have until June 1st to find a new job. Great timing (uber sarcastic) when you consider that we are in the process of buying a new house! Anyway!

However, when I was not agonizing over my job, I was making patterns, cutting fabric and sewing samples for a very tiny summer dress collection...so tiny I only have one dress at the moment! It’s pretty pathetic when you think about it but it makes me happy! I have one pattern in x-small, small and medium (working on the large next week). Each dress is unique since I only buy enough fabric for one dress. In theory, they should be available on Etsy in two weeks. I can’t wait to show you the result!
You have a LOT of things on the go. I cannot WAIT to see your tiny summer dress collection, as that material looks lovely!
Wishing you fast sewing! xoxo
Can't think of a more productive way to distract yourself. Dress/fabrics look beautiful!
And though financially, it's not the best timing to be jobless, it's ultra practical when you consider the logistics of moving to a new home!
yay for the dress collection! i'm super excited to see it.
and yay for leaving your job that you hate and that's causing you so much stress. i know it's scary, but good to do the right thing for YOU.
looking forward to seeing you tiny dress collection
tiny is nice.
Can't wait to see the dresses!
Good to see you!!
Oh gosh! A dresss we could actually buy from you!! How exciting.
I do hope that you manage to find a new job soon and one that you enjoy and doesn't give you stress!
Good luck in your job search and Congrats! on looking out for number 1 (you!).
Can't wait to see your collection! A lot of exciting things are ahead for you - new house, new job, and your first collection!
Ok, and tell me if this doesn't make you laugh - the blogger verification word to leave a comment right now for me is "undies", no joke. Ha!
Wow Im totally impressed - a dress collection! All the best with it and with the finding new job and new house eek!
Congrats on quitting your job! I know all too well what it's like to work a job that you hate — it has a way of consuming your life. It's brave what you've done, and although everything may seem a little up in the air right now, things always have a way of working out for the very best. Now, you have the time to concentrate on the big move AND your passion — sewing. Who knows? Maybe you've just opened yourself up to a whole new career opportunity. It's very exciting. Good luck and happy sewing!
Good luck on the job hunt - and I can't wait to get a peek at those dresses.
Sounds like an exciting new venture - good luck!
I just found your blog...Too neat! The dress is shaping up nicely, can't wait to see it finished! Good luck with your job hunt^_^!
So sorry about the job stress! Blech, but at least you are passionate about your hatred of it. ;)
You are going to put dresses in your shop? - there will be a stampede, be prepared! Your dresses are always so terrific, and your fabrics too!
Ihope you are feeling better, Claudia. And I can't wait to see your collection! I just bought that My Folklore print with the squirrels, btw. Cutest fabric ever!
Hang in there Claudia! I hope you find something better suited for you soon.
Your dresses are lovely, btw.
you could so make a go of it with dress sales on etsy!
i would love to buy one of these little cap sleeve ones..and your skirts are wonderful too.
best of luck to you..keep moving forward!
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