Call me naive but there are some things that I just don't understand. So maybe, if one one you has an opinion on the subject, please let me know because I'm clueless!
I had a vague memory of a beat up Sophie the giraffe in a corner of the bathtub at my grand-parent's house when I was a child and recently I saw Sophie in the hands of an adorable baby. Yeah, it is cute but I moved on with my life...until yesterday!!!
My friend Marie, who is much more excited about the concept of getting things for my baby than myself, insisted to visit a toy store. Ok, fine, I must start one day! And there she was, Sophie was looking at me with her big creepy black eyes with her freaky retro cuteness (she was born in France in the 70's). From what I understand, Sophie is an icon...the Audrey Hepburn of teething toys! But Sophie is also a little expensive (20$). Maybe this is the price to pay for a phthalates and BPA free, made of 100% natural rubber and food paint toy? I don't know, you tell me!
But what really freaks me out about Sophie the giraffe is the cult like devotion that people give her. I did some research on the subject and I was stunned by the answers from blog readers. Some concerned mothers indicated that Sophie could be dangerous, other that the quality was so-so. Wow, the bashing was without limit!!! You don't "blip" around with a dog like squeaky toy for babies.
So, what do you think about Sophie the giraffe? Should it be on my list?
haha. this is so funny. i see sophie everywhere and she has zero appeal for me,yet every now and then i find myself staring at the box and wondering if i need to get one for little m?! then i come to my senses and realize that the world doesn't need any more plastic toys. little m cut 2 teeth yesterday and was happy munching on a wooden rattle and sucking on a home made taggy toy. i've got my fingers crossed that sophie doesn't show up wrapped in a christmas gift. am i awful?
My kids showed little interest in teethers, so I'd have to be feeling very nostalgic to buy a $20 teether. One thing I've learned since having my kids, though, is that there are some mothers that are very, um, militant and judgemental, no matter how inconsequential the topic...
I had a foam rubber giraffe when I was a kid although I have no idea if it was a Sophie. Probably not as I'm sure it was at least twice as big. The thing I remember about it most was the rubber rotted and crumbled and it went in the bin.
If I were you I'd spend my money on what you'll need when the baby comes, and a Sophie will either turn up as a gift or you can buy one when your baby's ready for it. That's my plan anyway.
My babies both loved Sophie. LOVED. And that which makes a teething baby happy is worth EVERY SINGLE PENNY, especially since teething lasts a good 1.5-2 years. And that's my two cents!
got a big kick out of this post! my first encounter with sophie was through my cousin, she has two sophies for her 6 month old twin boys and i thought they were cute. yesterday i saw one in the store and couldn't believe they wanted $30 dollar for one. seriously? cute but not $30 cute even if the book is printed in french!!
oops i meant the box was printed in french!
We have friends from France who were shocked that we did not know Sophie... But our son (2.5 years) has now a full set of teeth in his mouth, and he survived without the giraffe. I could not bring myself to shell out the money, especially after I discovered that it cost only 8 Euro in France (about 11 US-Dollars)...
Further to my previous comment, you might want to hace a look at the reviews on Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/Original-Sophie-Giraffe-Teether-Toy/dp/B000SOG7BY/ref=pd_ts_zgc_by__2?ie=UTF8&s=baby&pf_rd_p=468771133&pf_rd_s=right-5&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=59624031&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_r=0RVXZ3R5RK883MF5653Q
I didn't have a Sophie with my daughter, but with my 5 month old son, we were willing to try anything! He likes his Sophie, but he loves this one! And it's much cheaper....
Wait for someone to give Sophie to you as a gift, or when you are desperate for a new teether- you might just give in and pay for it yourself like we did!
We registered for one, but I hadn't known she was so popular for so long! I just liked the eco-friendly aspect. And then I forgot about her. And I like her now because our little one is going to be a "Sophie" herself. :)
(We're due in 2.5 months!)
Thank you for your sweet comment. I would highly recommend getting Sophie for a little bubba. It was my son's favourite toy from 3 to 7 months. He spend his time chewing on it, he loved it. Great for teething!
We've got a Sophie and it's hands down my 8 month old's favorite teether. It's gotten us through 4 teeth so far - he got his bottom 2 teeth at 4 months old and just chewed Sophie like she was going out of style. So, for us, it has been worth the (not quite) $20. The big thing I've learned about babies though: every single one is different. It's great for my son, but I'm sure there are plenty of babies out there who don't like it. Oh, and re: cost - I'd rather buy a few well made, well designed toys that are a little more expensive. That's my personal philosophy.
aha. so here i am back at this post of yours and what do you know? there's not 1 but 2! sophies wrapped up and under the tree for Little M from the in laws.
have you seen Tressa's teething bonbons. i'm going to get one. right now.
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