This week question is a little tricky but if you want to give it a try I would really appreciate it. So, what should I buy for my little one's closet (for the first few months)?
And talking about closets, it is getting more and more difficult to create appropriate outfits for the office. For a strange reason, the dresses are getting shorter at the front ;)
Bonjour Claudia:
I've got a three month old, so this is all still fresh in my mind.
The first month your baby will mostly wear footed pajamas (sleepers): get at least 5 size Newborn and 10 size 0-3 Months. My fave brands are Piccolo Bambino, Joe Fresh and Zellers (seriously!). Get a few hats (4-5).
As he/she gets olders (2 months or so) you'll start dressing your baby in little outfits. Get both short and long sleeve onesies, and little leggings/pants to go with them. And socks (4-5 pairs).
These are the basics. No shortage of consignment stores in Montréal! Have fun with your bébé!
Think easy to put on and also interchangeable tops and bottoms when you get to the outfit stage (there will be explosions from both ends, though not always at the same time) - it's good to change only half an outfit if you want less laundry!
And with a winter babe, getting one of those cute all in one snowsuity things will make going out much easier (Johnny's had little ears and he used to go to sleep as soon as I put it on in anticipation of a car ride to take his brother to pre-school).
Beware, I got a ton of teeny outfits as gifts, but needed to spend my own shopping pennies on basics and bigger sizes.
I would suggest zippered footed sleepers. The snap ones will work until your little one gets out of the sleepy phase and begins to wiggle about a lot. I also second getting lots of onesies and pants that are interchangeable. Carter's is great for things like that.
If you get too many little outfits you can always exchange them for a larger size too.
Get bigger sizes right away cause the newborn sizes last about a week! They grow really fast!
On another subject if you buy from "friperies" stores make sure you wash them over and over again. Lots of bedbugs (punaises) going around.
Sorry! Better safe than sorry (even if it's a bit of a gruesome subject).
I wouldn't buy a lot of clothes for the baby between 1-3 months because the baby will be growing rapidly. I would buyer bigger clothes and dress the baby in them when they are younger so they will last longer and you can save money. You should definitely get a good baby bath tub like the one made by Primo and get a lot of baby bath towels and wash cloths.
Hi Claudia,
can't tell you anything about the baby stuff since I'm still trying to figure out myself ;)
As for the appropriate office outfits: Just get a medical certificate that allows you to stay home for the rest of the pregnancy so you can wear pjs all day long :)
Both my boys were posseters, bringing back milk all over both of us in fairly large quantities, so lots of vests/onesies and what we call babygros, all in ones with poppers down the front and up the legs as there'll be lots of washing! My daughter was very small when born so we had to buy some smaller clothes for her as the 0-3 month size were far to big.So be ready to be flexible and change your plans, which applies across the board with a newborn!
You can never have enough stripped PJs, when your little one just spit up all over themselves for the seventh time that day and you still haven'y been able to throw in a load of laundry you'll be thankful.
My little guy will be a month old on Saturday and is still fitting into his newborn sleepers (he was 7 lbs 3 oz & 19 inches when born). We actually had to go out and purchase NB sleepers when we left the hospital because we just didn't have enough.
He's in that middle stage where the NB stuff is getting a teeny bit snug, but the 0-3 stuff is giant on him.
I suggest getting 7-10 NB sleepers, but only remove the tags from a handful just in case. Bonus points if you get the sleepers with the fold over mittens.
Also, pick up some tiny socks to put on the LO's hands, because those mittens just do not stay in place.
That's all I can really say at this point since we haven't moved on to the next stage, but good luck!
P.S. - It's impossible to have too many striped sleepers :)
these comments are really helpful! i was just wondering the same thing. and yes, hubby and i just bought another striped sleeper. it was too adorable to pass up! =)
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