Friday 11 March 2011

How are you today?

Maybe it's just me but most of the time, when someone asks me how I feel, I will say that I'm doing great even if it's not really the case. I just don't like to impose my negative "energy" on people. We all have our bad days but I find easier to move on when I focus on good things!

For a strange reason, when you are a 9 months pregnant woman, some people really want you to whine about how miserable you are! You can almost see the disappointing look on their face when you tell them that in fact you are fine, that your nursery is done and that you just can't wait to see your baby.

But because I like to make people happy, I might slip in the conversation a little " but don't make me laugh, I might pee on myself"! This, my friend, is a crowd pleaser!!!


If you asked me a question (Q: Is your mother on Ravelry? A: She doesn't really speak English so that would be a little difficult for her) and I don't answer, it's probably because Blogger doesn't give me access to your e-mail address/web site/blog. So feel free to contact me via my e-mail: clo_wn{at}hotmail{dot}com


Yesterday, I made a giraffe rattle from Lotta Jansdotter's Simple Sewing for Baby.


alyson said...

sometimes I feel like people ask how I'm doing or feeling because they don't know what else to say. and like you, I'm not one to say "my back hurts, I'm not sleeping well and my restless legs are driving me insane" so I always say "I'm great!!" I think it's funny to see their expressions like they were expecting me to complain.

and p.s. adore that giraffe!

Annika said...

I have been reading your blog for a while and just wanted to tell you now that the rattle is darling.

Thank you for sharing your pregnancy experience. While I am not pregnant (yet) I find it very helpful already and it's taking away the scary parts.

UK lass in US said...

Such a cute rattle!

I was just thinking the other day about how people seem to expect pregnant women to act as invalids. I've been surprised how many people have been shocked that I was up a ladder plastering and painting when I started going into labour.

cara said...

Oh just wait until people ask you how you are *after* the baby is born! If you don't tell them that the baby never sleeps, you're exhausted and that you haven't spoken to your husband in a month they are SO disappointed.