Glaxal Base to the rescue!!! You won't find it in the baby section of the drugstore. It is actually in that remote area that screams "I have skin problems and I think that paying 50$ for moisturizing cream is wwwaaaaayyyyyyy too much".
When I self-diagnosed Alice with eczema (yeah, eczema and I are long time enemies) and told our new family doctor that I was using Glaxal Base to control the damage, he was amazed that I knew this "magical" product.
The cream is hypoallergenic, lanolin-free, non-greasy and it doesn't smell like a teenage girl on a Friday evening (perfume-free). It is also pretty inexpensive. Oh, and it works like a charm on Alice's delicate skin.
* * * * *
190.arch: We are going to try aqua baby, with two friends+babies, in September. I hope it is going to be fun. Why didn't you have a good time with aqua baby?
a loopy life: You should try. It is crazy how fast babies learn stuff!!!
renae @ theredwren: I Love you is amazing...Alice doesn't burp much but, wow, that baby can fart!
one claire day: You are probably right but I can't help it at the moment! I love it when she does new things.
kara: Ooooohhhh, music baby and art class (especially with chocolate pudding)! I must investigate to see if we have that in Montreal. Thank you for the suggestion.
clairsy: It is so much fun to have mom friends. I made two mom friends at yoga class and in the fall we are all going to try aqua baby.
Alexandra Durão: I hope that Alice won't be snoring like her dad ;)
ooohhh... i'll have to look for that and see if they have that here, in the states!
i have terrible eczema... and really hope unicorn cake doesn't have it.
i've just discovered aveeno baby eczema therapy lotion, which works pretty well and doesn't smell nasty.
i hate having sensitive skin... don't you!
Eczema is my enemy too! Especially lately. Going to look for your magic cream at Pharmaprix. Thanks Claudia :)
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