Tuesday 6 December 2011

(very) Simple tree stand cozy

A Christmas tree in a basket looked like an amazing idea but getting a container that could fit my enormous (and ugly) tree stand turned out to be complex and, honestly, I didn't feel like waisting hours in various stores to maybe find a perfect match.

So I had an idea: a wool stand cozy. Therefore, I created the dumbest DIY tutorial ever. It only require 3 things, absolutely no skill and about 5 minutes (and this is if you have to deal with a crawling baby at the same time).

You will need:
an enormous (and ugly) tree stand
a wool sweater (that you don't want to wear anymore)
an elastic (and a pair of scissors to cut the elastic)

1. Pick a wool sweater with preferably cables at the bottom.

2. Insert the stand in the sweater (neck at the bottom).

3. Insert the center in the neckline and warp the sleeves around it.

4. Put your stand on a flat surface and adjust the sweater pattern.

5. Tie the elastic (firmly enough to hold by itself) with a few knots.

6. Fold the sweater (part with the cables) beneath the elastic.

7. Adjust the excess fabric evenly around the stand and voilà!

* * * * *
janet: The dog bowl is the object that made Alice crawl for the first time!

daniela: I know, so cute :)

taryn: I just love forest critters...even better on baby leggings.

regina: I love what you said about "thank you". Good to know your opinion about rewards and grades. Alice is still a baby but I get your point. I might re-evaluate what I said about giving rewards for good grades. Thank you so much for your comment.


Ali said...

Very chic (as is your tree). Guess that's one jumper we won't be seeing in The Changing Room for a while! Where did you disappear off to anyway? I miss you.

The Franglaise said...

the dumbest? you must be joking! I'm not creative enough to think of doing DIYs like that. So dumb people like me need creative people like you! You have a great looking tree stand.

PJ said...

I wish I had a Christmas tree just so I could make a wool sweater stand cozy!

bugheart said...

what a great
here in switzerland
they have these
cool half logs
you can buy for cheap
and you screw
your tree into it.
it looks
really cool
but i don't think
they'd be too easy
to make
without the proper
so yours is a way
better idea.