Wednesday 25 July 2012

A perfect fit!


I'm currently obsessed with anything Montessori and Waldorf related. I always find it strange that parents invest so much time and energy in order to find the right umbrella stroller (update: I'm talking about please people, don't take it personally!) but seem pretty lost regarding their child education (update: I'm also talking about me).

When I decided to become a black sheep and stay at home with my daughter after my maternity leave (Alice was 11 months old at the time) I didn't know what to do with her exactly. Taking care of a baby is a piece of cake because they don't require much to be happy but a toddler is a bit different...and this freaked me out! By moment, I asked myself if I made the right decision...after all, I don't know anything about toddlers.

This is when I got addicted to Montessori and Waldorf blogs!

A bit like Attachment Parenting, I incorporated a lot of Montessori and Waldorf elements with Alice without knowing that it was actually attached to a specific "school of thought". And, believe me, this "lifestyle" fits us like a glove!

Montessori and Waldorf stress the importance of the natural environment. Luckily for us, it takes us 5 minutes to get to the beautiful Montreal Botanical garden (free with our Montreal citizen card). At least once a week, Alice becomes a "free range" toddler and rules the Botanical Garden during a few hours.

The Botanical Garden is her playground and I let her explore as she pleases...even if it implies playing with a little pine cone in the Chinese Garden during 30 (long) minutes...frustrating at first but very zen once I stopped acting like a crazy tourist!


kimu said...

Seconding that, I'd love to hear about the Montessori and Waldorf blogs that you follow. My 2.5yo is in a Montessori preschool and we're always looking for ideas for activities/info for at home.

PJ said...

Yes, please share your favorite blogs! I'm developing a sudden interest in Montessori-inspired playtime.

Karolina said...

Yes! Please share. I have an almost one year old and the swings are becoming to tire me out!

Rebecca said...

An awesome blog is Lots of ideas! I love Montessori too :o)

little wild moose said...

I did the same with Everly in the early days - I incorporated a lot of elements from Steiner/Waldorf, and I suppose Montessori too, without knowing it. Now I'm really enjoying researching it and intentionally implementing more of this inspiration. I'd also love to see some of the blogs you visit - I'm always looking for more ideas :)

Anonymous said...

Its great for you to comment that you made yourself the black sheep but you didn`t. You, unlike the most of us, have a husband that is willing to bend to anything, and earns enough for you to permit yourself to stay at home.

I recall at one point you put so much emphasis on the getting the right stroller, bed, high chair, anything vintage, etc., and now you come back saying that it makes you laugh how other parents are doing so. Good! laugh at yourself a little, for at least one of your viewers notices the crap you try to feed us.

Don`t you see how you push away people and how hypocritical you are being?

I believe that, as of late, you seem to be so filled with a lack of self esteem that you write this blog to feel good about yourself and put yourself above others.

Anonymous said...

Wow Anonymous, jealous much?

Jacinthe said...

Il y a maintenant des noms et des théories pour tout!
Dans mon temps, on appelait ça; jouer dehors!
Oh well! Ça doit être ça l'évolution et la technologie!!
PO joue dans la forest presque tout les week-ends.. On fait du montessori et je ne le savais même pas!